"Noted." he said, eyes flickering over to Elizabeth as she was now engaged in conversation with a man as old as dirt to her right, sitting on a barstool with a half empty beer in hand. "If we find any presence of outside influence, I want to know immediately."

"Are you planning to take her if that's the case?" he questioned in a concerned manner.

"Yes." he said bluntly. "Based on the conversations I've had with her I have a sincere concern regarding how much the words of Alpha Ryans' pack can be trusted."

"What do you mean?" Jacob questioned curiously.

"I mean, it's almost as if she is completely unaware of what she is." he replied in exasperation as if he was sharing gossip among his teenage gal pals. "Im beginning to wonder if she's a noshif."

Silence carried over the phone for a brief moment as Jacob thought. "What makes you say that?"

"Well it's the only thing that makes sense. She told me, rather proudly," he remarked before continuing on, "it took two weeks for a broken arm to heal. She made a subtle comment about how well she could see at night, but only intermittently as if it comes and goes. Also, she mentioned the certain smells of family and friends that were so intricate, but has seemed to rationalize it as if they are of cologne or perfumes... I literally asked her what pack she was, and she replied to me with 'I don't smoke'. There is something strange about her and this whole situation." he said, each of his words getting quieter as he began to use more discretion, almost like he was wondering whether or not she would be able to hear him talking over the crowd of the packed bar.

"That is very concerning." Jacob replied still obviously in thought. "I agree that there seems to be a duplicity behind their nature, if she truly is unaware. If anything comes up, I will let you know. You know where to find the medical kit in the hummer incase it comes to that."

"It's already in my pocket." Jason said in confidence as his hand went to rub against the zippered pack concealed within his deep jean pockets almost unconsciously, in baited anticipation.

"Of course." his Beta expecting nothing less.

"I have to go, text me from this point forth." and then the call was ended as Elizabeth approached the table with two drinks, one in each hand.

"I'm back! Im sorry it took so long, it seems like the crowd is getting bigger, and then this man named Blue started telling me his life story and I couldn't just leave him hanging." her face showing an apologetic frown, as she produced to him his scotch of the poorest quality.

"Don't worry about it. I had to take a phone call in your absence, so you weren't missed much." he said in a teasing manner which produced an equally playful frown from her. Her face however suddenly mutated into a a sheer panic as she placed the glasses down and began to rifle through her purse frantically.

"What's wrong?" he asked in a slightly concerned manner as he watched her so energetically search her purse.

"My phone!" she said in exasperation, repeatedly looking over and over in the same pockets and zippers within the purse as if it would magically appear. "I think I left it at the cabin!" her face wrought with worry and immense concern as her pursuits did not prove fruitful.

"Okay. It's just a phone." he replied calmly looking at her, slight confusion mixed with annoyance brewing at how insistent she was in needing to obtain a device that would only further divert her attention from him.

"You don't understand. If I don't have it and my uncle calls, he will be on his way driving 250 miles per an hour to come collect my drunk ass to take me home." she said in frustration at the absolute revelation that she did in fact leave it behind.

Welp, she just forced his hand. That escalated rather quickly.

"He sounds crazy." Jason said in certainty.

"He is. But he loves me. He raised me and he's just super protective. Its amazing in itself that Im even here right now." she said in complete frustration mixed with guilt and sadness at her own choices that lead to this moment, the obvious influence of alcohol playing a hand in her shift in  emotions. Followed immediately by a defeated huge sucking motion on her straw, draining half of her drink which had now changed from wine into a long island, something she noticed another patron drinking and deciding she wanted to try. It was almost as if she was taking her last sip of freedom, in typical dramatic female fashion.

He reached over the table, grabbing her hand which immediately gave her another intense tingling sensation at his touch, pulling her towards his seat so that she was standing right infront of him. Her eyes swirling in raw emotion and taking on a darker shade of green as opposed to their usual hazel disposition.  "Listen to me. He won't come pick you up and drive your drunk ass home. It's a long way from pennsylvania, and it would take him quite a bit of time to get here. If it makes you feel better, we'll finish our drinks and go back to the cabins so you can get your phone and then we'll come right back." he said gently to her, attempting to alleviate her current disposition.

"Okay." she said with a gentle nod. "I'm just going to run some water on my face, it's really hot in here." she said, slowly pulling her hand out of his and heading towards the restroom and disappearing behind its doors. The heat she was experiencing being induced not only from the crowded bar, but in combination with the Long island and his touch.

Jason quickly withdrew the zippered pouch from his jean pocket,  pulling out a syringe and two vials and hands quickly working under the discretion of the table top. A needle delving in a precise calculated pointed measure, one vial at a time. Eventually forming a potent substance within the cavity of the tube, which would be certain to give her a peaceful slumber as well as being combined with a rude awakening, directly into her glass.

Change of plans. We're coming back tonight. Have the unit clear the cabins , make sure they bring the dog. Have them return once they are finished. His fingers rapidly tapped at the keyboard on his phone to Jacob, after he had quickly returned the evidence of his recent actions back into the pouch within his jeans.

She reached the table fresh face with a gentle smile. "I'm sorry about all this!" she said her eyes pleading for him to not find her annoying for her over concern.

"Don't apologize, it's not a big deal." he said with a shrug and reassuring smile. "Come on, lets finish our drinks so we can go." he said, hands bringing his glass up to his lips as he tipped it back and drank of its contents in one shot, a slight twitch of his right eyebrow in recognition of the assaulting flavor of the cheap drink.

"Okay, but you're probably going to end up carrying me out of here!" she joked as she brought the straw to her lips, and began to drink it down the contents being empty with a resounding sound of suction as the straw met just glass once she finished it.

"I wouldn't mind that." he said with an arched eyebrow, and then stood up to lead her out the bar, taking note of her slightly uneven gait and knowing it couldn't be from the medicine just yet. He better have gotten those measurements right, or he would be spending the rest of the evening making sure she was still breathing.


"Hey, I'm really not feeling too good." she said her eyes feeling heavy in the passenger seat next to him, her voice beginning to slur.

"Maybe you had too much drink, you're very little." he replied, his eyes darting over to her to take in her changing features monitoring her breathing predominantly, before returning them back to the road.

"Isn't that the entrance?" she said finding it very hard to raise her finger and point towards the campground entry road as they were passing it. "You misseds its. You haves...turns aroumb. Aroumb. Arou..." words now becoming difficult to iterate.

If he responded to her, she would not have been aware of it, as her world went black. However, he had not, choosing to ignore her at the current moment. Only checking over to monitor her vitals every few minutes.

And Then She Was Gone Where stories live. Discover now