ღ Finding Cinderella (6)

Start from the beginning


"And, Kylie, I don't think a simple 'thank you' would be enough for the help she's offering, but perhaps you"—Mom raised her pointing finger at me—"acing your math class would be."

My smile froze, then slowly it faded away. Before I could stop it, a groan escaped my lips. Math. Calculus. The biggest hindrance of all.

Lacey made a fist-pump in the air to give me a confidence boost. "You can do it, Kylie."

Well, it seemed like I needed a miracle to do that.

Even though I didn't want to go to school on the night of the ball, I still had to, for the sake of my sister. I had helped her carry her dress and other important things to school, and now I was stuck here in this dressing room. Honestly, a part of me wanted to see her perform later, maybe even cheer her on, but the larger part of me was adamant about my decision. I didn't have the energy to face anyone I might bump into—a.k.a. Erik or Tristan.

Speaking of Tristan, what was wrong with him? Okay, a lot was wrong with him, but he had definitely looked like an enraged Spartacus at my front door Valentine's Day evening. To be frank, I had no idea the chase around the city would have had such an effect on him.

Jeez. That guy could be so weird sometimes, and that night had been no exception. He'd been speaking nonsense, spouting weird answers such as his response when I had pressed him about never liking someone for real. Those words had slipped right off my tongue actually, and I had thought he would only laugh his ass off about it, but instead, in a serious tone, he had replied:

"But what if I have?"

Please. Who would actually believe that? He was a playboy, for crying out loud. I just hoped that he hadn't meant he was messing with another girl again.

A knock distracted me from my trance. Clark entered the room, eyes scanning around. I hated to admit it, but he looked good in his blue suit, with his brown hair gelled into place.

As he saw me, he sucked in his breath and said, "Kylie. Hi. Uh, where's Lacey?"

"Next room." I jerked my head to the door on the left and glowered at him. "Why?"

He began sweating bullets. "Oh. Well, I just wanna check her if... you know, she's okay and all. I just want to make sure."

I crossed my arms. "She's okay, Clark. Now go back to your friends."

"But I need to see..." He trailed off and shook his head. "Anyway, why aren't you dressed yet? The program will start in a few minutes."

"I'm going home once Lacey's done with all her preparations. I don't have plans to attend the dance, just so you know." He'd better not be proposing the idea of driving Lacey home after the event. Who knew what he would do with her? I'd already asked Julianne to escort my sister post-party because she was the only one I could trust.

I narrowed my eyes at him. He was still standing stiffly by the door. "Are you really gonna stand there and wait for her?" I asked through gritted teeth.


"Give up already, Clark. Leave my sister alone. God, I've said this to you like fifty times. She. Is. Not. Allowed. To. Date. Period," I said, striking my left hand with my right fist to emphasize each word.

"Kylie, I know you care about her deeply, but with all due respect, you have no right—"

Clark was cut short when garbled noises from the next room came, and it sounded like they were calling Lacey's name in distress. He snapped his head up and dashed toward the source. Perturbed, I followed after him. When he pushed the door open, my eyes grew wide.

Lacey was lying unconscious in the arms of a girl dressed in white. Another girl on the side, a brunette wearing a blue cocktail dress, was fanning my sister with a magazine.

"What happened?" Clark shouted as he made his way to Lacey.

I ran to the other side, my heart pounding so hard in my chest. "Lacey? Lacey?" I quickly checked her. She had no scratches or whatever physical injuries—thank God—, but as I touched her, I realized she was burning hot.

"We don't know!" the girl in white cried. "She was about to get her dress when she fainted."

"Are you girls ready?" a loud voice called from the door, and a guy with curly auburn hair entered the scene. Steven Davis—the school body president. He was also wearing a black tux, and on his back were little—what were those, fake wings? Seeing the turmoil, he took a step back in surprise. "What the actual—"

I squeezed Lacey's clammy hands. "She fainted because of high fever," I informed them, catching my breath. "We need to get her to the clinic."

So that was why she had been so quiet and tired lately. Lacey had been working hard for the ball that she hadn't even checked her condition. Why did she keep this a secret?

"Let me," Clark said. The girls moved away as he began carrying her bridal style.

"Ugh, darn it," Steven whined. "What about the dance? We only have forty minutes left!"

Clark sent him a sharp glare. "Lacey's health is much more important than the dance, Steven. Find a replacement."

"That's what I'm thinking!"

Seething, Clark walked out of the room with Lacey still lying in his arms. I was about to rush after him, but a hand caught my shoulder.

"You! You're Kylie Harris, right?" Steven demanded. I could feel the agitation from his grip.

"Y-yeah," I mumbled.

"Do you know how to waltz?"

"Of course no—"

He snapped his fingers. "Perfect!"


He jabbed his thumb at me, nodding at the girls who were petrified in the corner. "Len, Krystelle. Get her. Now!"

I was so screwed. 


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