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Jimin started to come over almost every day, we would have dinner, sex, shower, sleep, and he would go to work. It started to become the same thing day in and day out for a month. I didn't mind the company, I missed my other friends. Jin was busy with Chris, Tae was busy working things out with his ex, and hurt too much. 

"Bev?" Jimin said as we laid in my bed together one night after we got done fucking in my kitchen because someone couldn't wait to get into the bedroom. 

Me. It was me. 
I couldn't wait. 

"Hmm?" I answered as I laid there in his arms

"I was thinking.. we've been doing this for a while and I wanted to ask you if you wanted to make it official? If you want to be my girlfriend?" 

My eyes opened wide in shock before I rolled over and looked into his eyes 

"Jimin" I said softly "I'm sorry, I really really care about you...and this past month has been incredible, but it wouldn't be fair to you if I say yes when I have feelings for someone else" 

"I didn't know there was anyone else" 

"There isn't.. he doesn't know how I feel" 

"Oh" he looked down but then his eyes widened " all makes sense.. it's Yoongi isn't it?"

I nodded 

"I should have known" he closed his eyes "I understand Bev, I'm not mad. I'm a little disappointed but I know how one sided love feels, and I'm sorry that you've been dealing with that this entire time. You could've talked to me about it" 

"I appreciate that" I kissed his lips softly "I'm so sorry Jimin.. I wish I could tell you yes"

"Don't be sorry" he smiled as he brushed some of my hair from my face "I really appreciate your honesty, I really hope Yoongi wakes up one day and realizes what's been in front of him all along" he smiled and leaned in pecking my lips softly 

We fell asleep not too long after that as we cuddled and he held me tightly in his arms. 

I woke up to him kissing my face all over making me giggle "Jimin stooooooop" 

"Wow rude, he left already" my eyes opened wide as Yoongi smiled down at me 

"Holy shit" I laughed "when did you get here?"

"Just now, he was nice enough to leave you coffee and a note on the table 'Sorry Bev, I got called into work, I hope you have a great day xoxo Jimin' blech" he pretended to gag making me laugh and smack his chest 

"You be nice"

"I am being nice" he chuckled "your coffee is ice cold by the way so I'm assuming he left a while ago" 

"Probably, he usually does when he gets called in" I shrugged and nuzzled my face into my pillow 

"Usually does?"

"He's barely left my house in the last month" 

"Oh" he frowned "I didn't know" 

"Ehh, it wasn't really an important thing to talk about. Just another friends with benefits situation" I shrugged 

"Got chya...well, let's go get breakfast and some fresh coffee" he said as he sat up and smacked my ass 

I groaned as I stretched "okaaaayyyy" I whined 

He rushed me to get dressed and then we drove to the diner for breakfast 

We were laughing and eating just like we used to. It felt nice, it felt like us. 
An entire month without seeing him and it was as if nothing had changed. 
I felt like I had my Yoongi back. We were sitting next to each other in the booth and were fooling around tickling and poking at each others ribs, 


We stopped fooling around and looked up 


"How have you been?" He asked as he glanced between Yoongi and I

"Good" I nodded "you?"

"Pretty good" he smiled his infamous dimpled smile "Yoongi, good to see you again"

"You too" he mumbled as he intertwined our fingers under the table and squeezed my hand reassuringly 

"I didn't think you would be the one she ended up with" he chuckled 


"I don't think that's really any of your business. You dumped her correct? So why should it matter who she's dating" Yoongi defended 

"Okay" he put his hands up in surrender "fair point. I'm just waiting on my girlfriend to get here and figured I'd say hi. I didn't mean to offend" 

"You never do" I scoffed 


"Oh what the fuck" Yoongi said as he released my hand and looked up at the voice 

"Hey beautiful" I gasped as Nicole leaned in and kissed Namjoon

What happened next seemed to happen so fast, but looking back I can replay it in my mind in slow motion. 

I stood up and punched her in her face as hard as I possibly could, she fell backwards onto the table behind her which fell over and she landed on the floor. Rage took over as I sat on her chest and punched her over and over as Namjoon and Yoongi tried to get me off of her. 

She was cheating on Yoongi. 
That's all I needed to know to want to kill her. 

Namjoon held her as she sobbed and bled all over while Yoongi held me with my face buried in his chest 

"Yoongi" she gasped between sobs "I'm so sorry Joonie"

"For what? What the fuck is going on?" He yelled 

"How long have you two been together?" Yoongi asked 

"None of your fucking business, the police are on their way" 

"Well, Nicole and I have been dating for almost three months sooo.. " 

"You're lying, Nicole, tell me he's fucking lying" 

"Joonie, I'm so so sorry" she shook her head as I squeezed Yoongi's shirt and started to cry as my adrenaline pumped through my veins. 

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