I'll hold you to it

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We spent the entire day inside watching the storm, smoking weed, laughing, talking, and stuffing our faces every time the munchies kicked in. 

It was a great day, I didn't want it to end because we were having so much fun together. 

After the storm had slowed down it was almost midnight,  I had turned some of the lights on because it was ungodly dark in my house. He was looking at my bookshelf and reading off some of the titles, the bottom shelf had movies lined up and he gasped

"Bevvy! Can we watch this?" He held up Insidious two with a smile

"Sure" I smiled 

He rushed over to the tv and popped the movie into the DVD player, I went to the kitchen and made some popcorn before curling up next to him on my couch. He pulled the blanket down from the back of the couch and covered both of us up and got comfortable as the movie started. 

I draped my legs over his and laid sideways resting my head on the arm of the couch as we got into the movie. He rubbed my calves under the blanket absentmindedly in between eating handfuls of popcorn. When I jumped at the scary part he laughed at me making me blush as I started laughing

"It isn't funny! That shit is creepy!" I threw some popcorn at him making him laugh again 

"If you're scared of it why do you have it?"

"It's my ex's. I have a lot of his shit here still" I rolled my eyes 

"Oh" he nodded as he continued to rub my calves under the blanket "I met him before..right? That tall dude..what was his name? Namjoon?" 

"Yup, that's the one" I nodded 

"He was a bit odd" 

"I know" I chuckled 

We went back to watching the movie, afterward we went out back to smoke a cigarette 

"Are you staying the night or going home?" 

"Uh, I didn't really know sleeping over was an option" he chuckled 

"Well, I figured since it was two in the morning and I'm tired as fuck, I didn't want you to take the hour drive if you were tired too. You can crash here if you want" 

"Sounds good to me" he shrugged as he put out his cigarette. 

We went into the house and I went into the bathroom "I have a spare toothbrush" I called to him, he came and took it with a smile


We stood there brushing our teeth together before we went to my room, I plugged our phones in on my end table and motioned for him to join me on the bed, he took his beanie off and got in on the other side

"Do you sleep with music or tv or anything?"

"Usually no, I just sleep in the dark silence"

"Works for me" I smiled as I pulled the covers up over us. 

"Night Bevvy" 

"Good night Yoongi" 

I smiled as I drifted off to sleep. 

When I woke up in the morning Yoongi was spooning me from behind and his morning wood was pressed right up against me. I shifted to stretch and leaned over checking my phone

Bootycall: you free today? 
Me: probably not..what are you doing tomorrow? 
Bootycall: hopefully you 😏
Me: I'll hold you to it then 🤤 

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