Universe 1 : Quantum Leap Part 1

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"Mr. Actrix?" Yaoyorozu asks with her hand raised in the air. Actrix, who made himself home, sitting next to Mineta asks, "Yes Creati?"

"What is that in front of the screen?" she asks pointing at the box. Everyone looks in the direction she points and begin to wonder the same. Actrix looks at the box and says, "Oh! That is V.A.L.K.Y.R., my A.I. Don't bother to ask its full name, but today it will be guiding us through the worlds. It will also identify people who you don't recognise too". Suddenly Mei stands in front of Actrix and asks, "Give me its blueprints now". Everyone sweats profusely at her sudden out-burst while Actrix chuckles in amusement. Power-Loader says, "Forgive me, Mr. Actrix but she has tendencies to go ballistics".

"No, I don't mind", says Actrix. Then he looks at Mei and says, "Hatsume, I know that you are into your babies but let me tell you. This A.I. is nothing but a prototype. It was made by my friend who has the same name. However I guess you won't need it".

"Why do you think that, Mr. Actrix?" David Shield asks. He then continues saying, "I would give away my fortune in a heartbeat if I could get hands on an omniscient A.I. like that".

"David, I said that because Hatsume and Melissa will create a more powerful version themselves. All they have to do is keep trying", Actrix says with a smile.

"Really?" both Hatsume and Melissa ask to which he nods with a big grin.

"Speaking of which lets start", says Actrix and the lights start dimming. Everyone thinks of something like popcorn, nachos and stuff and it appears right in their hands. Actrix is seen eating his popcorn with Mineta who seemed to enjoy his presence. The screen goes black and with a white font, a text appears on it.


"Quantum Leap?" Kendo asks.

"What does that mean?" asks Kaminari.

"If I say everything, where will be the fun", says Actrix.

Izuku looks at the name and says, "Judging by the name, it seems that this is a science fiction".

Date: 31st December 2158

Location: TechJet Corporation, Tokyo.

The scene opens up to a room which looks like a very high tech laboratory. Everyone sees group of scientists walk around a machine in the centre, which seemed like a chamber of some sorts. The scene shifts to an elderly man who was standing by a computer, jamming its keyboards.

"Oh my God!" says Hatsume to which Actrix asks, "Yes?" Everyone snicker at this, while Hatsume says, "It's a figure of speech. But look at the tech in the lab!".

"It seems like they are doing some important research", Mandalay says to which Pixie Bob asks, "Who is that man though?" Suddenly a beam of light comes out of the box in front and scans the elderly man.


"Wait? The Rintaro Okabe?" Yaoyorozu asks to which Setsuna asks, "You know him?"

"Yeah! I believe I read this in book. He was a scientist from the time before quirks and as much as I read, he was obsessed with time-travel. He wanted to crack the formula for it, and he was nearly successful but he dies because of work stress and thus taking the secrets with him", says Yaoyorozu.

"Very definition of a mad scientist", says Kirishima.

"The grounding system has been enabled. LET grid is in a stable condition. Cooling systems are online. Quantums are getting charged. The seed looks perfect", says Dr. Okabe and he looks at the man who seemed to be in his early 20's. The said man has an unruly green-black hair and green eyes, freckles below them and was wearing a lab coat over his shirt. The man was seen typing fast and seemed to be in a very deep concentration.

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