Universe 2 : Your Name Part 5

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Everyone were pretty curious to see what Izuku meant by the statement he said in the movie before the break. Most of the students were discussing their theories, while Ochako was herself thinking of the possible explanation. She and her blonde rival were brainstorming together. Monoma was being his usual self and Izuku was mumbling his ideas to himself. But unknown to everyone, there was one girl in the group who was feeling a little jealous towards the brown haired gravity user and the blonde inventor. Well, which was kind of obvious since she herself was in love with the green haired cinnamon roll. She remains quiet as her friends discuss the possibilities, but her silent jealousy was noticed by Signi.

"Hey, do you know that there is another girl who likes Izuku?" Signi asks to Actrix. Both of them were busy checking the A.I. Actrix looks up from manual and says, "Yeah, but Himiko is not here". Signi sighs and says, "I know that, but I am talking about this another girl". Actrix looks up confused and asks, "What do you mean by that? As much as I know, there are three girls who are interested in Izuku. One is Ochako, other is Melissa and other is Himiko".

"How did you come to that conclusion?" Signi asks to which Actrix proudly says, "I sensed their feelings". Signi sighs and says, "Actrix, I hate it to break it to you, but when it comes to feeling, Fina clearly said that you are quite inconsiderate of them. You can only sense loud feeling, but you can't sense feelings which are very well hidden".

Actrix sweat drops at this and says, "You are quite blunt, aren't you?" Signi nods and says, "Sometimes I think what Selene saw in you that she went and had a child with you". Actrix's face becomes blank and with a cold voice he says, "Don't say her name casually. She is resting; I rather keep her like that". Signi sighs and says, "I am sorry about bring her up, but you have to say Aela what happened to her mother, because someday, she has to take the mantle of moon goddess".

Actrix looks at the children in front of them. He smiles fondly at them and says, "Aela doesn't have to worry about that. I want her to enjoy her childhood. That was the reason why I created 'Guardian Devils' in first place. I don't give a rat's ass about multiverse, I just want my baby girl to be happy. Call me selfish or not, I don't care. If keeping my daughter happy and safe is considered to be the biggest evil, then let me be evil".

"I don't consider it evil. You have every right to be selfish here. At least we devils, have something to do even if we fell from grace", Signi says while looking at the teens. Actrix looks at her and asks, "So, who is that girl?"

"I will give you a hint. Her jealousy and love is very silent. It might take some time and few multiverses viewing to bring her out", says Signi. Actrix laughs a little and says, "Well I feel sorry for Izuku. He has to select one girl from four potential lovers", to which Signi says, "Well he can go for harem too". Actrix shakes his head and says, "I don't see him doing that. What is he? A zebra?" Signi laughs and suddenly Nedzu says, "Mr. Actrix, Miss Signi, I guess we have taken a long break".

"Yes. We will continue in a minute. Everyone please sit down!" shouts Actrix and he looks at Signi and says, "I guess I know who that person is. Will you contact Fina to restock the tea? I swear that Chimera is drinking everything up!" Signi nods as she goes into the room nearby. Actrix sits on a nearest seat, which was where Yui Kodai was sitting. She shifts slightly to the side as he sits down. Signi comes back quickly and sits down by the Devil-God's side, as the screen gains life.

"Your Name"

The scene opens to Izuku in his room, busy sketching landscapes on his drawing paper, the landscapes that resembled Itomori. He might have lead daily life normally, but frustration was clearly on his face. One morning, he removes every drawing from the walls, packs his backpack and heads out. At train station, his eyes widen as he sees Nejire and Bakugou waiting for him.

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