Going "Home"

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Jason's POV

Today we are going back to campus. Worry free. Dave is gone and I couldn't care less what happens to him. He was crazy but I could see that Olivia was just trying to help. But sometimes, you're better of alone.

"Jase, you ready?" Olivia asked. "Yep." I said. We hopped in the car and within two hours we were back "home". Olivia said she would sleep in her dorm tonight. I don't feel like dealing with anyone. Especially Aaron he's still mad at me. He shouldn't even be mad. Kayla and Brianna are furious at Olivia. They're angry she left me for Dave. I agree. But we're fine now. "Hey man." Aaron said. "Hey. I'm sorry." He shook his head. "No I overreacted." He said. "If you say so." I shrugged. "How was your thanksgiving?" He asked. "Um..eventful. Full of events." I said. "Is that good?" He asked. "Ehh.." I said. "No." I finished. "But how was yours?" I asked. "Taylor was there and she acted like the total bitch she is." He said. "My sister kept giving her death glares." He laughed. "Wow." I said. "So what happened between you and her?" I asked. "She was cheating. She brought her boyfriend and I found them making out in my room when I got there." He said. "What a great way to start thanksgiving." He Laughed. "Yeah. At least yours was better than mine." I said. He didn't ask what happened which was good because I don't want to explain. "Anyway, I have a date to attend to." He smirked. "With who?" I asked. "Not tellllliingg.." He said in a sing-songy voice. And with that he was gone. I FaceTimed Olivia. "Hey!" I smiled. "HI!" Kayla yelled followed by Brianna screaming "ELLO MATE." I laughed. "So that's why you wanted to stay at your dorm." I said. "Yep! And she's not leaving!" Brianna said. "Okay, okay I wasn't trying to take her away from you guys." I smiled. "You spent all weekend with her and now this is our girl time." Kayla said. "Olivia just kept laughing and smiling. God I love her.
We stayed on facetime and I finally convinced them to come see s movie with me. We were seeing a scary movie. Everytime there was a jumpscare Olivia would squeeze my arm. Once it was over we went to the arcade.

"Best and worst weekend ever."

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