Angry Protective and Kinda Sexy

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Angry, Protective, and Kinda Sexy

Olivia was pacing back and forth. "They can't let him get away with this!" She said. "He's the dean's son." I reminded her for the fifth time. "That doesn't mean he should be treated differently." She said. "But yet he does." She said. "I can't believe this! If it were anybody else they would send them straight to jail. But no they're gonna 'talk' to him." She said. I grabbed her wrist to stop her from pacing. I yanked her wrist making her fall towards me. I grabbed her waist and brought her to me. "Let's just tell the county police." I said. "Why didn't we think of that before?" She said. "You were too busy pacing."I smiled.

This would be a great moment to kiss her but I know she's still angry.
"Can I kiss you?" I asked like a little preteen. She furrowed her eyebrows. "Do you even have to ask? She smiled and leaned forward to kiss me. Those fireworks never fail. "I guess not" I said. "Come here." I said. She cuddled up into me on my bed that I have not slept on in a long time. "We're going to get through this and if we don't then we'll still have each other." I said. "You could always put a restraining order on him." I said. "It won't work. We have classes with him." She said. "Oh." I said. "Let's just not go to his parties." I said. She nodded and looked up at me. I loved our height difference. Even though our feet were in the same place she still came up to my shoulder. "I love you." She said. "I love you." I said. I don't like saying 'I love you too' cause it seems like I'm agreeing with her instead of saying it back. I think she's caught on to it. I kissed the top of her head. "You know I never imagined this when we were 15." She said. "I never thought that this would happen going to the same college accidentally. The problems with Dave. Etc." I looked at her. "Neither did I." I tapped her nose. "I need a new nickname for you." I said. "No I don't like nicknames." She said. "Well you seemed to like it when I saw you the first time in 3 years and called you cucumber eyes." I smirked. " I was so excited to see you I didn't take notice to it." She said. "Sometimes when you talk I don't listen. I just look at how beautiful you are." She began to blush. "What if I tell you something important?" She asked. "I'll know that you're beautiful. I rubbed my thumb across her face.

"And I'll know that you weren't listening." She smiled. "You're wonderful." I said. We kept saying sweet things to each other.

"What time is it?" I asked. "Wow, 7." She said. "We really spent the whole day ranting, screaming and cuddling." She laughed. "I could cuddle with you forever. " I said. She giggled. "I'm going to change into pajamas and be lazy." She said. Heading for the door. "I'm coming." I said. "I'm not letting you out of my sight." She smiled. "Okay." She said. "You know how you can be under house arrest?" I asked. "Yeah." She nodded. "Well now you're under Jason Arrest." I said. "I'll make sure you're safe and with me all of the time." I said. "Okay just don't get too wild." She said. I've noticed I've become more violent. We got to her dorm and she wiped her makeup off and changed. I looked at her face remembering what happened. She quickly covered her face. But it was too late. "Jason don't." She said. "I say all these things about protecting you and putting you under 'Jason arrest' and I can't even protect you from myself." I said. "It was an accident." She said. "But it still happened." I said. "I'm not angry at you." She's said. "But I will be if you keep pouting and beating yourself up." I said. "Come on I'm under Jason arrest! You can't be off guard." She said. I quickly straightened my posture and said "Yes you are and I must know where you are at all times and who you're with." I said. "There we go." We walked down the hall and a guy was looking at her up and down. He whistled. "She's mine." I said. "Oh sorry I thought you were her gay best friend." He said. "I grabbed his collar and put my fist up ready to punch. "Jason." Olivia said. "Remember what I said." She reminded. I let go and gave the guy a stern look before entering the boys dorm hall. "Don't beat anyone up." She said. "But he-" I was cut off. "I don't care you don't want blood on you're hands" She said.
"Okay fine. But only for you."

Olivia's POV
I didn't like how Jason was acting. He was never this violent. But then again, I kinda do like it cause I feel protected. And its kinda sexy to be honest. I just don't want him punching every guy that looks at me.

VolcanoesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora