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We went to the movies that were on campus. Olivia got gummy worms and a soda and kayla and I got popcorn and sodas. "Wait I have no idea what movie we're seeing." I said. "Oh." Kayla laughed. "Let's just eat and go to the mall." Olivia said. "Ok." I said.

Time skip (cause I'm lazy)

We were done eating and went to the mall. "Hey isn't that one of dave's minions?" Kayla said as we were walking into a store. "Guys, this is the campus mall a lot of people shop here." Olivia said. Dave and a few other boys appeared. "Now they're all here." I said. "Come on, maybe they're here to hang out and shop like us. " She said. "They're approaching." Kayla said. "Sup." Dave said. "Hello." I said. "Frat party tonight. You guys in?" He asked. "It's Sunday." Olivia said. "Classes this week were cancelled due to pipe leaks." He said. "Oh." Kayla said. "We'll hold off." I said. "We're in." Olivia said. "Alright see you at 7" He said. They left. "What were you thinking?" I said. "I want to see if he will try anything." She said. "No!" Kayla said for me. "Why would you put your self in danger?!" She said throwing her arms in the air. "Yeah." I co-signed. "Trust me." Olivia said. "If anything happens its your fault." I said.

It was now time for the party. I feel like I haven't been in my dorm for days. "You guys get ready, I'm gonna change." I said. "Ok." Kayla said.
I went back to my dorm. Aaron was laying on the bed listening to music. "Hey. What's up." I asked. "The ceiling." He said. "The one you're staring at?" I laughed at my poorly made joke. "Yes because it symbolizes the emptiness I'm feeling right now." He said. "Are you okay?" I asked. "If I was would I be saying what I said?" He replied. "Aaron do you want to talk? I asked. "Yes. To the voice in my head." He said. "Okay, well if you need me just tell me." I said. "I won't." He said.

I grabbed a red flannel and a different pair of jeans and changed. "I'll see you around." I said. "I miss her so much." He said. "Who?" I asked. "My girlfriend back home, Taylor." He said. "She's cheating but she doesn't know I know." He said. "Ooh that's harsh." I said. "I'm going to talk to her." He said. "Good luck." I said. He nodded.
I left the dorm and went back to Olivia's
"Ready?" She asked. "Yep!" I said.

We got there and there were already drunk people. "Here we go." I said. "Hey! You made it!" Dave said. "Yup." I nodded. "Cool. Can I get you any thing to drink." He asked. "Uh yeah sprite." I said. "And for the ladies?" He asked. "We'll do water." He nodded.

He came back with our drinks. I took a sip and tasted the vodka. "Dude!" I said spitting it out. "You never said don't add vodka." He said. "I said sprite. Not sprite with alcohol." I yelled. I got a little dizzy. "What else did you put in this?" I asked. Getting weak. "Don't worry." He said. The walls started changing colors. "What's happening?!" Olivia said. Her voice was distorted. "LSD." I heard him say. Everything was blurry And colorful.
I saw things that probably weren't there. People didn't look like people. Colors were bright. The loud noise of people talking was increasing in sound. "Jason." Someone said. Then the voices died down. The colors got darker. Then full darkness.

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