Chapter 26. A convenient person

Start from the beginning

These were the thoughts that were roaming through her mind as she was charging and opening her smartphone.

She barely turned it on when the phone began ringing. She even saw she had a dozen or so missed phone calls in the second that the phone opened up before it rang. It was her brother Daniel so she did not ponder much and answered.

Surely he was not worried about her as she had explained to him she would be in an exercise for two weeks and would not take her phone with her. She was in the forest for a week and unconscious for another week so for her brother, not contacting him for this period of time, should not have arisen any worries.

"Sister! Finally you answered your phone. I have been trying to contact you all morning." Daniel quickly said, relieved she finally answered.

"Yeah. Sorry the phone had no battery. I only just noticed and plugged it in." She explained simply. If he only just tried to contact her this morning there were no reasons for him to know about why she did not answer until now. She did not want him to worry.

"What is the matter?" She asked him, curious and worried because of the sense of urgency she could feel in his tone.

"I know what happened to you was inexcusable. What Brianna and mom did to you, the fact that they schemed in stealing your rightful mate can't be forgiven, that is why I never mentioned them when talking to you these months. I did not want to add to your pain..." Daniel frantically tried to explain his reasons for bringing up these unreasonable problems. Matters of which he had not once spoken to her about since it happened, but he felt he needed to otherwise he was not sure she would help.

"Daniel it is alright, don't try to motivate what you really want to say and just tell me what the actual problem is." She interrupted him, as a sigh left her chest. She was feeling tired both mentally and physically about the attack. Flashes of memory of her dismembering and killing the hunters kept appearing in her mind whenever she was alone and all she wanted now was to sleep.

"I..." he said then sighed trying to rephrase how to actually tell her, but he did not speak again as the phone was snatched from his hand and another voice could be heard through it.

"Celia, after you left... Brianna was made the Luna of our pack. She is already pregnant and everyone knew the ceremony was for her, so Richard forced Rayan to make her his Luna. Otherwise he would not hand over his leadership. You also made your position clear that you will not accept him as a mate.

The problem is that, even though he conducted the Luna ceremony for her, they are not getting along at all. The situation between them has gotten so strained that they fought countless times and he even hit her. At the moment she is in the hospital with the risk of losing her child." Her father explained coldly as he took the phone from Daniel. Between the words he had just hurtfully laid out in front of her, not even one was an apology. Not even one word expressed regret and reflection for their actions, even less repenting for causing her harm.

She did not know how to react to what she just heard. It pained her that her sister was suffering, it hurt her if an innocent child suffered because of irresponsible adults. But still, not only did they not try to contact her all this time to see how she was, considering she was the one who was most hurt of what happened and their betrayal, now they even phoned to inform her of Brianna. Of a person who was suffering as a consequence of her own actions and most probably wanted her to do something about it.

A week ago she almost died and nobody from her family would have cared if she did. The common knowledge was that werewolves from the same family would feel somewhat if their loved one had been hurt, especially if it got to the point of their life ending. They should have felt her being attacked, they should have felt the feeling of utter powerlessness as she felt her life drained from her body, if she was considered a loved one by them.

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