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[Trigger Warning]


"Tay? Taylor? Where are you?" My father- Ray's menacing voice echoed throughout the house. I hid in the closet, covered in towels and blankets, curled up into a ball with my hand tightly over my mouth, muffling my cries. I was so afraid.

I shook with fear as I heard the loud footsteps come closer to the door of my closet. I bit down on my lip to stifle my sobs, and tasted blood gush into my mouth.

I vaguely saw a light through the grey blanket I was under, and heard the door open. 

"Taylor! Don't hide from me." He yelled, angrily now. He ripped the blanket off of me. I screamed, but was cut off by his hands, one covering my mouth and one striking my cheek. I whimpered and started to sob. 

"Come, Tay. Don't you want to finish what we started yesterday?" He said, grinning evily down at me. I couldn't do anything, I was helpless while he dragged me to the bed and undressed my eight-year-old body. It wasn't the first time, and it definitely wasn't the last.

Sitting on the sofa in front of Vic and I, was my parents. They hadn't changed since I saw them last. 

"Get off my couch." I said through my teeth. "You'll get asshole all over it, mom. And Ray?" I called my father by his name, because I couldn't stand to call him my father. "You''ll get fucking pedoph-" I said, jerking towards them but being held back by Vic.

"Tay, calm down." He said, rubbing my shoulder.

"Tay, baby I- we are so sorry." My mom stood up, her eyes looked sincere but I knew well enough not to trust them.

"Get out of my apartment." I ordered.

"Come back and live with us." My mom asked.

"No! Are you mental?" I almost screamed.

My mom glanced at Ray, who just shrugged. 

"Get the hell out!" I screamed at Ray. "Mom, you can stay, but make him ge the hell out." I ordered. Mom looked at Ray, who rolled his eyes and walked out of the apartment. I looked at mom, who smiled sady.

"I couldn't stop him, and I regret it so much. I'm so sorry. I love-" She started, but I stopped her.

"Stop. If you loved me, you would've went to the police or something! You could've gotten me away from him." I said, my anger slowly slipping away now that Ray was gone.

"He hurt me too, Tay." My mother sighed. My eyes widened.

"Why didn't you leave?" I asked quietly. 

"He threatened to hurt me, and you. I didn't know he was hurting you until the last minute, I'm so sorry." She explained. 

"I'm not going to forgive you, but I know you're sorry. I'm not going to live with you as long as that monster is with you." I said. She nodded.

"I'll leave him." She said. 

"What?" My eyes widened.

"I don't love him, I will leave him if it means I can repair my daughter and I's relationship."

It was silent for what seemed like a long time. This is my chance to have a family, it seemed like she really did love me, if she would leave Ray for me. 

"Tell the police." I said loudly.

"I can't." Her voice broke. 

"Call me when everything's done." I said, taking a piece of paper off the coffee table and writing down my number. "Until then, leave." I handed her the paper. She nodded.

"I love you, Tay." She said, smiling. I nodded, although before she left I englufed her in a hug.

"See you soon." She whispered into my hair. She was crying. So was I.

When she left, I walked back into the living room to see a worried Vic glance up from a book he was reading. 

"Are you okay?" He asked. I nodded. 

"Can we watch a movie?" I asked, like a child. He nodded.

"Which one? Oh wait, I shouldn't even ask." He said with a smile. I smiled back at him while he put 'The Lion King' into the VCR player. It was the movie I always watched when I was sad or upset. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

"I'll get it." I mumbled, walking to the door and opening it to see Jenna. Sbe opened her mouth to speak, but I spoke before she could.

"Hey, come watch a movie with me." I said, grabbing her hand and pulling her to the living room. 

"Hey Jenna." Vic said, turning on the TV and sitting on the couch beside me. I was in the middle of Jenna and Vic. I laid my head on Jennas shoulder. She laced my hand with hers. She leaned over and kissed my forehead.

"I'm gonna go grab something." Vic said awkwardly, smiling at me and walking upstairs. I guess he didn't find it, because I didn't see him for the rest of the night.

Not Even The Rain (jardougall) [DISCONTINUED]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt