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Surprise... Im continuing this story.
I have a plot n shit now, yay?
Okay well, here you go.


Tay's POV
Jenna and I have been dating for two weeks, and we've actually been dating for one week.

My life has been so much better with Jenna. She comes over to Vic and I's apartment every day after school, and we just hang out. I'm really falling hard for her and it sucks.

"TAY!" Vic yelled, knocking on the bathroom door. I sighed and called back, "one minute!" Before glancing at myself in the mirror and taking a deep breath.

Vic, Kellin, Jenna and I are going on a 'double date', honestly a gay-fest. I was dressed in a purple shirt and black top, I looked pretty good.

I exited the bathroom and saw vic leaning on the wall beside me, dressed really nice- even wearing a tie.

"We're going to be late!" He hissed, straightening his tie. I rolled my eyes and smiled at him. If we both weren't gay as hell, I would totally be into him.

"Tay! Vic!" I heard Kellin yell. I also heard the door slam open and then shut again. Vic smiled and grabbed my arm, pulling me out of the bathroom whilst reassuring me that I 'looked like a goddess'.

"Hey kellin." I smiled, he came in for a hug which I returned. We were really good friends.

There was a knock at the door. I smiled widely and watched as Vic answered it.

Vic opened the door, and there stood my girlfriend Jenna McDougall, wearing a purple dress that stopped just above her knees. Her hair was curled flawlessly; she was damn beautiful.

"Tay!" Jenna squealed, running past Vic and engulfing me in a hug. I hugged her back and held her head.

"Missed you." She smiled.
"Missed too, Jen." I kissed her forehead.

"Okay you dumb lesbians, lets go." Kellin ordered, smiling.


Everything was going great, we all sat in a booth (I sat beside Vic, across from Jenna) and ordered fancy food. Vic told really bad jokes and Jenna pretended to laugh. I watched Kellin watch Vic with eyes full of adoration. Kellin loved Vic, and it was honestly so obvious. I wonder if I look at Jenna that way.
Like I said, everything was great until I saw him arrive.

My mouth opened and I stared with wide eyes at the man who was practically satan, and my biology teacher.

Jenna realized something was wrong, and grabbed my hands under the table. She looked at me with concern. I pulled my hands away and touched Vic's shoulder. He glanced at me, laughing, but then stoopped once he saw my expression. I looked back at the man and then back at Vic. He realized, and gasped.

"That's your dad-" He started.
"No, he will never be my dad." I snapped. The four of us all went quiet, wondering what to do.
"Is that Mrs. Anderson?" Kellin asked quietly.
"Apparantly it's 'Ms.' not 'Mrs.', unless she's cheating." Jenna snapped, glaring at the man who just kissed a married woman on the cheek.

I suppose he spotted us, because he walked over to our table with a smug smile on his disgusting face.

"Taylor, my sweet little girl." He said maliciously. I suppressed a cringe and stayed quiet. Vic slammed his hands on the table and stood up, glaring at him.
"Vic, sit down." Kellin warned. Jenna glanced nervously at me before speaking.

"Okay, we'll just be leaving. It was just so unpleasant seeing you here, I hope you're glad that you ruined your daughters night." She said cooly, waving over the waitress for the bill.

"At least I just ruined her night, you ruined her life for five years. She must be pathetic, thinking you're actually one of those disgusting lesbians after you ruined her life." He smiled at her, and then looked at me.

"See you next time." He said quietly, narrowing his eyes and smiling.

"See you next time." He said, looking down at me while zipping up his pants and leaving the closet, locking eight year old me inside.

My eyes widened and I covered my mouth, but soon vomit was spewing out of my mouth, along with a heavy stream of blood from my nose. I blacked out.

A/N: Shes not dead I swear.

Theres a plot and probably will be 5-10 more chapters of this story!!!!

I will update regularily and I hope you guys will forgive me for ending it and then starting it back up again...

love you xox

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