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** Jenna **

When I awoke, there was a strange warmth surrounding my body. I opened one eye to see the top of Tay's head tucked into my neck. I was momentarily confused, until I realized I was lying on Tay's couch, cuddling Tay.

"Oh shit." I blurted out, realixzing I'd stayed over without telling my parents where I am.

"Jenna?" Tay's sexy sleepy voice said.

"I have to leave, my mom will be worried sick." It was half the truth.

"Okay, I'm skipping today." She mumbled, stuffing her face into the cushion.

"Okay, I'll come visit you later." I said, kissing her just above the eyes that were peeking up at me. I barely heard her mumble 'mhmm' before I stood up and went to get my shoes at the door.

On the way walking home I couldn't keep the smile from my face.

"Jenna?" My moms worried voice startled me when I walked inside.

"Yes?" I said quietly.

"Where on earth have you been?" She shrieked, her hand colliding with my cheek. I winced and beared it.

"I stayed at a friends house, I'm so sorry." I said, keeping my face straight and my voice firm.

"I'm leaving for work, get to school!" She yelled, pulling her shoes on and leaving.

After my mom left, I showered and brushed my teeth, took off old makeup and put a fresh coat on, and I made some breakfast, I called Tay to ask if she wanted to hang out.

"Yeah, sure." She replied.

"Where do you wanna go?" I asked.

"I have an idea. Come over." She said, hanging up.

A couple minutes after that, I left. I walked to her house and saw her sitting on the hood of a blue truck.

"Tell your mom you're staying at my house tonight." She said with a smile.

"okay, but after school because she'll beat me if she thinks I didn't go." I replied. "Where are we going?" I asked.

"It's a secret." She grinned widely. "Get in."

We both entered the truck that I learned was Vic's, and Tay turned up the music and winced. The speakers were playing a song that had a male singer with an insanely high voice, and a couple seconds later there was some strange mexican finger-picking.

"Vic!" Taylor shrieked, slamming her hands on the stearing wheel which made it honk.

"What's this?" I asked, curious.

"Vic's stupid band. Ugh!" Tay sighed. 

"I like it." I shrugged. Tay smiled at me and turned the volume up louder. She then sung the song like she'd memorized every word.

"Dont hate me 'cuz you aint me." She said cockily. I rolled my eyes. Tay started the truck and pulled out of the driveway.

"So, where are we going?" I asked again. The music had softened, although it was still Vic's band, it was a slower song.

"Away." She shrugged. 


Tay and I drove for an hour and a half, it was nearing one o'clock, and we were in the middle of know where.

"Okay, where the hell are we?" I wouldn't take no for an answer. Maybe she was driving me to my death, was she a serial killer?

"We're just driving to a field, trust me." She smiled. Thats when I realized there were a bunch of pillows and blankets in the back seat.

A/N: oh jesus. I am so sorry for lack of updates. Exam week is coming and i've been cramming my head with everything other than my duty to update fanfic. As soon as exam week is finished I'll update again. PLEASE LOVE ME.

Not Even The Rain (jardougall) [DISCONTINUED]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz