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Harry's pov

"Where are they??" Jesy said

"Chill out they'll be back" Zayn said

"It's getting late!!" Leigh said

"Okay fine!! I'll go get them!!" Niall said getting up along with Louis

"I'll come with" I said and we started walking down the path

"So....what's going on with you and Jade??" Louis asked

"What do you mean??"

''The chemis-"

"Ahh!!" Perrie yelled and ran through with Max and Jay running behind her without another word me and Niall charged i knocked out Max while Niall and Jay were in a heavy fist fight

"Harry!!! JADE"i didn't need to hear the rest and I ran up with Louis on my tail  just in time to hear a smack  i looked at him and we nodded

"TOUCH HER AND IT WILL BE THE LAST THING YOU DO!!" Louis yelled causing them to look at him while I snuck up from the back

"AHH TOMMO!!!"  Nathan said as he walked up to him

"Don't you fooking call me that losha" Louis said I walked up a little futher so I  could jump Nathan

I looked at Louis and then at Jade and she looked at me I nodded and she kicked Tom in the balls and bashed Siva's face with her elbow the same time I my fist made contact with Nathan's face

He stumbled and then tried to take a swing at me

I took another swing but just before I could make contact he grabbed Jade and held her in front of him

"OI!!!" Louis yelled as he knocked Siva out and nothing but our heavy breaths could be heard followed by footsteps behind us

"Get the fuck out of here" Zayn said and tossed Max and Jay towards Nathan who tightened his grip on Jade's arm

"I wouldn't it I were you mate!!" Andre said and he came into view

"Your out numbered" Niall said

"Let's go" Nathan said and shoved Jade towards us and Zayn quickly wrapped his arms around her

"You okay??" Zayn asked her

"Yeah" she said and pulled away from his grip grabbing the already lit cigarette from his hands and walked back towards our camp

Niall looked at me and I gave him a nod which he returned and then ran after her

"Give her time mate" Louis said and tapped Zayn's back as we walked back

"Yeah she's a strong girl" Andre said

"She was out numbered but she could have easily beaten the shit out of all three of them" Liam said

I walked off the path and walked to the lake a few feet away

Jade's pov
I inhaled a deep breath of smoke and let it fill my lungs

"Jadey" Niall said as he came up behind me

"Are you okay??" He asked I nodded

"Okay I get it but we're all here" he said and hugged me before disappearing into the clearing leading to our camp

I lay down on the bank and brought the cigarette to my mouth again just as I was about to inhale it was yanked out of my hand

"Hey!!" I yelled

"Are you good??"

"Yes Harold I'm good" I said and he lay down beside me

"I'm sorry i was late I should have-" he said and turned to look at me

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