it's 1am wtf?

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uh- fudge- um, it's 1 am Cole has a craving for cake but there's none in the fridge and he's sleep deprived so he tries to make a cake himself. Zane wakes up to go help him since he has no idea what he's doing and its 1 am for fsm sake/


Cole's P.O.V.

I woke up total darkness.

Ugh, what time is it?  I thought, still a bit groggy. 

I rolled over in my bed, reaching for my phone. My tired arm swipes it from the night stand next to me, and I disconnect it from the charger. I open it up to check the time.


My eyes widened a little bit. We had just made it home from an overnight mission at around noon, so we were all exhausted. I guess I just was the first one to wake up. 

I decided to open up the internet and look up a book I'd been reading online. I had actually been reading it before we were called for an emergency two days ago. So, I decided to curl back into my bed, turn my phone's brightness down, and continue where I left off.

* * * * *


I try to reload the page again, but alas, nothing.

This fucker hasn't updated their story in about a month!!! On a bit of a cliffhanger no less!

I sat up, untangling myself from my cocoon of blankets. I had read all that was available for that story, so I decided to stop straining my eyes with the phone screen.

Man, screw this author. He never updates his actual story, but he has all this time to read and write all this other unrelated stuff. 

Though at least it had only been a month. I've waited longer for dumber.

As I plugged my phone in, I checked the time.


I'm hungry... I thought to myself, sitting up.

After this delirious revelation, I crawled out from under my blankets, and quietly left the room. I cautiously moved around the bounty, trying my best not to wake anyone in my tired state, making my way to the kitchen.  

I entered the room, first looking at all of the stuff in the cupboards before going to open the fridge.

Hopefully there's cake somewhere.

Alas, there was no cake anywhere.

"Ugh..." I whispered to myself, "This sucks."

Though, this is not where this one-shot ends, no no no! I shut the fridge for a second and reach back into the cupboards, grabbing random items in my sleepy haze.

"This can be cake." I say grabbing things like chocolate chips, a tub of peanut butter for some reason, baking soda, and... other stuff I don't remember. I repeat this process back in the fridge, grabbing 3 sticks of butter, milk, eggs, and an ice-cream sandwich (but that was just a snack).

I placed all of the items I haphazardly collected on the kitchen island, and stared at it with my eyes half closed. Now, how to make a cake...

At this point I regretted not bringing my phone to look it up.

I scoffed at my inept cooking ability. "This shouldn't be that difficult."

"What should not be that diff- Cole what are you doing?" I heard a voice come from the hallway by the kitchen. 

"Sup Zane!" I said, slurring my words. "I'm tired but I want caaaaake."

The tall nindroid looked at me with confusion, but that look was quickly replaced with tired annoyance. He rolled his eyes and walked up to look at my choice in ingredients.

"I hate to spoil your culinary exploration Cole, but I would not advise putting mayonnaise in or on top of a cake." He said, eyebrow raised.

I look down to the jar in question. Oh...

"In my defense Tin Can..." I replied sounding more delirious than before, "Thought it was frosting."

Zane moved to close the open cupboard doors, organizing the things I accidently knocked over. "It is good to know where the noise came from."

I cringed in embarrassment, "Sorry, did I wake everyone up?"

Zane smiled at this, turning back to me. "No, I just happened to be awake. Nothing to worry about."

I sighed in relief, slumping against the island. I heard Zane shift, following my motion and I felt his shoulder touch my own. I looked up at the Master of Ice, only to find him looking at me. A calm grin spread across his face as he reached his hand to rest it on my cheek. "You should be in bed, Cole."

I blush slightly at Zane's action, and gladly leaned into his touch, my stupid sleepy mind ignoring the intelligent part of my brain. 

"Wanna make a cake with me?" I ask.

"Someone must make sure that you do not set everything on fire."


And so, with the proper ingredients this time, we begin making a chocolate cake. Zane had me do most of the mixing, seeing as I had limited motor skills, and I might do some actual damage if I tried to do something else. Zane calmly preheated the stove, and did everything else.

After a few more minutes, however, I found myself perking up. Granted, I was still super tired, but it sure was an improvement.

Ugh, I still can't think straight! I thought.

I looked at Zane, who's pajamas now had a few food stains on them. His light skin almost glowed in the moonlight that leaked through the open kitchen window. That subtle smile never left his lips as he poured the cake batter I finished mixing into a pan. Zane never really understood just how gorgeous he really was, and it was a damn shame.

Cole, when have you ever thought straight? I corrected internally.

I snorted at my own joke, my head now face down on the island. 

I heard Zane place the pan in the oven, and close the door. He then turned to my pathetic body, who was currently laughing at the stupid gay joke. Slowly, he placed an arm around my shoulders, "A-are you alright?" He asked.

"Hehehehe..." I started quietly giggling. "I'm gayyyyyy."

"I know, Cole." Zane replied.

"I'm tired and I'm SUPER gay."

"I understand, Cole." 



I'm gonna be posting prompts and stuff on here, mostly for warm ups, but hey maybe also bc the prompts are cute and I wanna do em.

I am sleep deprived too Cole... big mood...

(also bold of you to assume ANY of this will be reread or edited by me.)

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⏰ Última atualização: Nov 27, 2020 ⏰

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