CHAPTER FOUR Reality Check

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Cia: *She awoke with a pounding discomfort in her head and groaned

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Cia: *She awoke with a pounding discomfort in her head and groaned. Reaching a hand up, she rubbed her pounding head.*

Leopold: *He's asleep on the chair snoring softly.*

Cia: *She turns onto her side. A foul taste in her mouth made her grimace as she tried to speak.* Barret...?

Leopold: Who the h*** is Barret? *He grumbled waking up with a start.*

Cia: *She flinches at the annoyed tone of voice, recognizing him.* I don't feel good...*She whispers.*

Leopold: You're just hungover. It will pass.

Cia: *She peels her eyes open with some difficulty.* Where am I? Where's Barret?

Leopold: Still no Barret. I am Leopold and Barret isn't here.

Cia: Leopold? Where's Barret? *She sits up with some difficulty, the room seeming to spin around her.*

Leopold: Barret tried to hurt you. I rescued you.

Cia: Hurt me? *She holds her head and closes her eyes hoping it will help the room stop spinning.* I don't remember him hurting me...

Leopold: Nice people don't give you alcohol and drugs and then try to undress you.

Cia: *She reopens her eyes to focus on him.* He didn't give me alcohol or was a new bubbly drink and lemon candy. And I'm not undressed.

Leopold: Just because alcohol is lemon flavored? Doesn't mean it's not alcohol. And that thing that made you sleep? He used it to attempt to undress you. I saved you before he could.

Cia: Oh. *She whispers, not fully believing her first friend would hurt her, but moves on without mentioning that to him.* Where am I then? *She looks around the room and licks her parched lips.* My mouth feels yucky.

Leopold: This is my room and here let's fix that. *He offers her a hand.* Follow me.

Cia: *She takes his hand and slides off the comfortable bed.*

Leopold: *He takes her into the bathroom and gets a toothbrush for himself and another for her from the cabinet and shows her how to put toothpaste on it.*

Cia: *She watches curiously, following his instructions as best as she could.*

Leopold: Now you do this. *He starts to brush his teeth.*

Cia: *She copies his actions and giggles surprised at the fun taste of the paste and the foam that gathered in her mouth.*

Leopold: And now spit. *He spits into the sink.*

Cia: *She does as he did though a little ungracefully, making a mess on her chin which she quickly wipes away with an embarrassed flush on her face.*

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2020 ⏰

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