CHAPTER THREE The Devil Among Them

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Josie: *She looks over at him with a raised eyebrow

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Josie: *She looks over at him with a raised eyebrow.* What do you mean?

Leopold: She's not waking up...

Josie: *She looks alarmed.* Should I call 911?

Leopold: I think he used some sort of drug on her to try and bang her...*He says worriedly.*

Adrian: Josie is right, do we need to call 911?

Leopold: We just need to get her somewhere safe so she can sleep this off...I think.

Josie: *She looks between the boys then at Cia.* I don't mean to burst your bravado, though foolish, cuz how exactly do you intend to get her out of here?

Leopold: Really Josie? Just because she's not 110 pounds doesn't mean we can't lift her.

Adrian: Yeah I'm tough! Been working out. *He puffs out his chest with pride.*

Josie: *She rolls her eyes.* For your information, I am 108. And though you may be able to carry her, you will most definitely not be graceful and we didn't exactly bring a vehicle. *She crosses her arms with a cute pout.* I was only being realistic.

Leopold: *He looks at her and rolls his eyes* Fine. Adrian go back to my house and drive your car to meet us over at the Nook Cafe. It's open all hours and bringing in a drunk girl doesn't look weird they won't ask questions. I can carry her to that cafe, it's not that far.

Adrian: On it. *Salutes him and jogs out.*

Josie: *She watches him doubtfully.* I hope you're not expecting my help.

Leopold: I'm not. I got this. *He adjusts her and braces his legs and lifts her up. He'd done this with many of his girlfriends in the past and she was no different. She looked so a frail flower.*

Josie: *She watches him carry the girl with a careful, calculating eye.* You better not drop her. She is your soulmate after all.

Leopold: *He snorts* You really believe that? She's innocent and kind...and I am neither of those things. If I am her soulmate? She's screwed...and not in a good way.

Josie: You've screwed enough girls anyways. *She sighs following him out, closing the door behind them.* And I'd like to know what you believe happened. If not the legend, what brought her to life?

Leopold: Fate. Soulmates don't just fall into your lap...and I haven't screwed that many girls.

Josie: *She rolls her eyes.* You have screwed all of those kind of girls...*She mumbles haughtily.*

Leopold: Hey! I don't judge your preferences.

Josie: *She starts at that.* What exactly is wrong with my type?

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