Boiling Point

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The transition into Slytherin house was as rough an affair as could possibly be expected. With everyone wandering about confused. Bumping into foes, literal fires starting "accidentally" as well as the general feeling of distrust in the air, it was a miracle that anyone survived long enough to find their beds.

Amelia dragged Athena and Lucy into the room assigned to them before they could start a duel with a group of fourth year Slytherin girls. The room was darker and colder than what they were used to in Gryffindor tower with black and green trims instead of their usual warm gold and burgundy ones. Not to mention the very lack of sunlight that created the whole dungeon atmosphere.

"Do some people actually like this?" Athena said taking in the scene that many a Gryffindor would find depression inducing.

"Apparently," Lucy said searching for her things in the greenish light of the room. The beds were set up in a very similar fashion to that of the ones in Gryffindor tower, whether that was for the comfort of the girls or the way the Slytherin's actually kept their beds the girls may never actually know. Whatever it may be, the house elves had managed to put their things near the exact same beds as they had in Gryffindor tower so they needn't search long for their belongings.

The rest of the girls made their way in to the dark and damp room where they all got ready for bed in depressed silence.  A day that had started with adventure and excitement was ending in more gloom than they had every expected and the morning didn't seem to hold a glimmer of hope either. 

To avoid the tension of the Slytherin common room Amelia spent most of her free time in the practice room sparing or in the library hiding amongst the stacks of books.  Even these solaces were interrupted by a dark cloud of gloom like the aura of a dementor as it approaches it's prey. 

Just over a week passed this way until Amelia had a particularly hard day where nothing seemed to be going right.  She angrily searched the library for a book that seemed to be hiding from her after loosing a very close duel with one of the seventh years.  With a heaving sigh she made her way to the front desk where Madam Pince sat.

"Excuse me, Madam Pince.  I can't seem to find The Practical Witch's guide to Thorns and Spikes by Maria Tillberry," Amelia said.  Madam Pince looked up, annoyed to be having to talk to another human rather than a book, she took out her logs and searched for the book in question.

"It was checked out two weeks ago and hasn't come back," she stated.

"Great," Amelia said rolling her eyes and leaving the library unsuccessful in her mission for the day.  Lucy and James were busy at Quidditch practice now that the pitch had been fully restored to its prior glory.  This left Amelia nothing to read and nothing to do as the rest of her homework was finished.  She had been relying on The Practical Witch's guide in order to finish her last paper in Potions.  With this delay she may have to write the entire thing over again before it was due the following week. 

This was were Amelia's mind was when she wandered into the great hall to find something to ease her achingly empty stomach.  The Gryffindor's that sat nearby complained of some happening with some other students in Ravenclaw while she stewed in her own bad mood. 

"Ollivander," a familiar voice said and Amelia looked up to see Nero's emotionless face coming towards her.

"Animon," Amelia returned in kind.

"Ready for the tournament?" He asked.

"Depends, are you ready to utterly destroyed?" Amelia replied.

"Well we'll see whose the one victorious in the end," he replied before walking away.

"What a traitor," Amelia heard down the table. She looked up to see a few older Gryffindor's looking her way.

"Are you talking about me?" Amelia asked.

"Well nobody else here is all buddy buddy with a Slytherin," they said.

Had Amelia been in a better mood she might have been more logical than to argue back. But today just wasn't the day to mess with the wandmaker's granddaughter.

"Excuse me for having friends," Amelia snapped.

"Wasn't it just last year you were trying to kill each other?" They asked.

"It's called character development which your clearly incapable of," Amelia said standing and turning to leave.

"I never saw what was so great about you anyway. Your just a whiny know it all orphan," they said. Without thinking Amelia spun about and said the first jinx that came to her mind. The accuracy of her shot, even in her enraged state, was commendably excellent. (Whether or not her actions were was another argument entirely.) She turned about and walked away before anyone could stop her. Amelia knew that jinx would come back to haunt her but in that moment she didn't care as she stormed out of the great hall.

Despite her best effort their words sang through her head that was already filled with too many emotions to begin with. She stormed into the Slytherin common room and closed herself into the Gryffindor second year girl's temporary dorm room. The dim green light did nothing to help her mood and Amelia lost all track of time until Lucy came into the room to find Amelia still stewing as she tried to re-write her potions paper.

"You shouldn't have done it you know," Lucy said changing out of her practice clothes.

"I know, I'm just being a whiny know it all orphan, what else can you expect?" Amelia said accidentally stabbing a whole through her paper with her quill.  "Damn it."

"You know that's not true," Lucy said.

"Which part, whiny, know it all, or orphan?" Amelia asked throwing her parchment aside and searching for a new one. 

"Just forget about it, they were only being petty," Lucy said slipping a jumper over her head.

"Oh right I'll just forget about it, tell me have you forgotten about what your grandfather said at your grandmother's funeral?" Amelia said.  Lucy stopped and looked at Amelia.

"You know that's different?"

"Of course, you have parents and I don't."

"I know you're upset but that doesn't give you the right to try and hurt me too," Lucy said leaving the room before Amelia could respond.  Amelia knew in her heart she had gone too far but her mind still swam with hurt and betrayal that she felt from her fellow Gryffindors that she had looked up too and trusted.  A stabbing ache punched into her gut as she curled into bed.  She knew the morning would come with many apologies and consequences but perhaps some sleep would cure her mind of it's torturous sea of doubt and self loathing (among other emotions). 

But when she woke up it was not with a refreshed point of view, ready to face the day.  Rather, she woke to stabbing pain so horrible she felt as if a molten knife had stabbed through her and was still firmly stuck in place.  A pain so intense she would be willing to rip it out with her bare hands were the option given to her. 

Without waking the others.  Amelia stumbled out of bed and began the long trek to the hospital wing on the other side of the school.

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