A Funny Thing Happens

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Without knowing how, Lucy, James, and Amelia set off to find the missing Hogwarts ghosts. They had only turned down the next hallway though when a familiar wheezy voice stopped them.

"Shouldn't you children be in class?"

They turned to see the old, decrepit Mr. Filch standing behind them, looming in the shadows of the hall.

"We were just talking to Professor Potter," Lucy said glancing at the others. Mr. Filch had that kind of personality to always believe everyone was up to something they oughtn't be, despite whether they were or weren't.

"He told us to get our class and go to the library," Amelia chimed in.

"And what class is that?" Mr. Filch asked in one wheezing breath.

"History," James said automatically.

"Then I believe you're going the wrong way," Mr. Filch said the girls shot glares at James.

"Right, we forgot, the school's so twisty," Lucy said trying not to punch James.

"Then you best be on your way," Mr. Filch said. The group turned and walked quickly past him. Amelia caught a strangely familiar smell from Filch that she couldn't quite place as they scurried away from where he stood.

"What are we going to do know?" Lucy asked once they were almost back to class and most definitely out of Filch's earshot.

"Well, what do we actually know about ghosts?" James asked looking at Amelia.

"They're dead, can pass through walls, and if you walk through one you get a nice cold shower sensation," Amelia said.

"Anything else?" Lucy asked.

"I know just as much as you guys," Amelia said.

"Why don't we just go to the library then?" Lucy asked. "If none of use actually know anything about ghosts then how are we supposed to find them?"

She was right of course and both of them knew it but decided silence was going to be their agreement.

"So let's go tell the class to go to the library," Lucy said.

"Who made her the leader of the group?" James asked Amelia as they went to the class room. They opened the door to find half of the students trying their best to study while the back of the room was in the middle of an intense rock, scissors, wand competition. When the three walked through the door the front half of the room noticed while the back half continued with what they were doing.

"Everyone," Lucy shouted to get their attention. It took a couple more tries but eventually everyone calmed down enough for them to listen. "Professor Potter told us to go to the library."

Everyone looked around at one another before begrudgingly gathering their things together and heading to the library. The competition that had started in the classroom continued down the hall until the class was at the doors of the library. Quietly they entered into Madame Pince's domain where silence and knowledge was law.

"Why are you here?" She said in a loud whisper, descending upon the group.

"Professor Potter sent us to study," James said. Madame Pince's face twisted in disapproval but none the less she nodded her acceptance of the current situation.

"Very well."

The history class split off into groups leaving James, Lucy, and Amelia to go search for everything they could learn about ghosts.

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