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The classroom was easier to find than she had remembered. Perhaps she was just so used to the turn of the halls and curve of the night from her sleep walking adventures that it no longer took her any time at all to find the DADA classroom.

Amelia opened the door to an empty classroom. It was strange. Like going home after a vacation or going to summer camp in winter. The class sat still and empty but filled with anticipation for what could be coming. The year to come was in front of it but Amelia's optimism was gone.

Amelia found her usual seat and stared at it remembering the person she had been one year prior, just after saying goodbye to her grandfather for what could possibly be the last time. The hope Mr. Potter had given her was gone and the sadness at the possible loss filled her as the tears she had stopped in the Great Hall now began to fall in a messy, snotty cry.

As she sat in her misery a hand touched her shoulder, she jerked away from Mr. Potter's kind hand and looked at him through her tears. Her brows knit together in pain and anger as she tried to stop the tears from coming.

"I'm sorry," Mr. Potter began.

"Why are you here?" Amelia bit back not stopping the bitterness and anger from her voice.

"There was an emergency with the teacher and I was next in line on the list."

"But you're supposed to be looking for my grandfather. If you're here than nobody's going to find him."

"Don't think that way, there are . . ."

"And what about your job? And Albus, and Mrs. Potter, and Lily? You're in charge of the auror office. You can't be here!"

"I'm not staying at the castle over night, I'm going between home and here. I'm just taking a temporary leave and there are others in my place, everything's going to be fine."

"You keep saying that but I can't believe you! You lied to me. You said you'd find my grandfather. What about the note from my uncle? What about . . . About . . ." Amelia trailed off, hurt and sadness consuming her. Mr. Potter moved to try and comfort her but then thought better of it. No matter how painful standing by would be, he needed to wait for her to reach out to him.

"I know, I'm sorry, I didn't know this was going to happen. If I did I would have told you sooner and made sure you knew what we're doing at the ministry to find your grandfather. But here we are, and all I can say is I'm sorry, and I'll help you the best I can."

"I should never have come to Hogwarts. I should have stayed at the wandshop with grandfather."

"And what would you have done when someone came to take him or you?"

"Bit them," Amelia said only partially accepting what Mr. Potter was trying to say. Mr. Potter chuckled and bent down to Amelia's level.

"No matter what, nothing about this is your fault. We will find out what happened to your grandfather. You just need to be patient."

Amelia nodded. Her emotions drained and emptiness filling her heart.

"It's time for bed Amelia," Mr. Potter said. Amelia nodded and turned slowly making her way to the door.

"Boombayah," Mr. Potter said. Amelia turned back in confusion.


"The password for the Gryffindor common room. The Professor Longbottom introduced her to Kpop this summer," Mr. Potter said.

"Oh, thanks," Amelia said turning away and leaving. She walked the halls in a depressed fog not knowing how but suddenly realizing she was in bed. The others were still talking quietly while Marta began to lightly snore. Lucy watched her walk in and just gave her a light hug before leaving her alone to her thoughts. Sadness was something else they were beginning to share.

If only that had been the start to a normal year. Unfortunately it was only the beginning to the chaos.

The Wandmaker's Granddaughter and the Curse of HogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now