They See Scars On Your Back -All

Start from the beginning

He came into the livingroom and smiled when he saw how bad you were sweating. You must've went though a dvd or two to be in that much of a sweat.

"Hey Doll." Raph sat on your couch, playfully leaning back to admire you. Your head popped up in a hurry, and you gave him a quick smile.

"Hey Raph, whatcha up to?"

"Checking in on you. Ya seem busy."

"Busy? When you're here? Never." You hauled yourself up and out of the floor to turn off the dvd. You grabbed a towel tossed to the side and grabbed it, throwing it around your neck and fixing your ponytail.

Your back was turned to him as you adjusted yourself and his eyes caught sight of little marks on your back, close to your hip area. Scars.

Scars which he'd never had seen if you hadn't been in a sport bra and  in such good lighting.

They were clearly puncture scars so he decided to ask about them.

"So uh, what's wit the scars?" At your confused glance, he pointed to them. Your eyes widened with realization and your head bounced in a nod.

"Oh, those." You joined him on the couch and wiped at your forehead with the towel. "I was attacked by a dog a couple of years ago. It bit me right here." You pointed to the marks. "Some kind of big dog, I don't know."

"Is that why ya don't got a dog?"

"No, but it definitely gave some insight on what they can be capable of." You shivered at the thought of it. "It was scary. Sometimes I can still feel it biting me."

"It ain't gonna get at now. Not with me around."

"I know." You leaned into your boyfriends side and sighed. "I know."


You groaned for the hundredth time in the last two hours you'd been hanging out with Donnie in your livingroom.

Your back had been hurting, he knew this because you'd only said it ten times, but now he was starting to wonder why you could be in so much pain.

Doctor Donnie asked question after question until eventually settling on a new plan. "Why don't you go lay down? I'll be in there in a moment." He had suggested going to your room for a bit to take pressure off of your back. You immediately agreed.

"As long as you don't try to take advantage of me." You winked at him, hands harshly rubbing your own back as you walked. Donnie shook his head at your teasing remark.


You laid down on your belly with a loud moan, huffing against the covers on the bed as the relief washed over your body.

What felt even better though, was Donnie's big hand gliding down it, the pressure bringing relief your own hands couldn't.

"That's nice." You glanced up toward him and smiled. "Really nice."

"Oh, is it?" He teased a bit of his own before attempting to jump into why it felt good which you quickly cut him off.

"Please just rub my back."

"Of course love." He tugged at your shirt. "Take it off?"

"Yeah." You struggled to shrug the offending clothing item off, and once you did laid back into position. Donnie gently rubbed your back, pausing for only a second at examine a few light scars. His fingers ghosted over them, then returned back to your little massage session.



"Were you aware you had scarring?"

"It's not causing my back pain, D." You tried to assure him just in case he figured maybe it had something to do with your current issue, but you felt him shake his head.

"I was just going to ask if you minded telling me about them."

"Oh." You adjusted a bit to look at him. "You know we all do dumb things as teens."

"I'm aware."

His grin was contagious.

"I got into a fight with this one kid- he broke a glass bottle and stabbed me with it." You laughed at the memory now. How stupid it was, what it was over. "I had to get so many shots and blood work done."

"What was the fight over? Something worth it at least?" He quizzed. As soon as he was met with a laugh though, he knew that wouldn't be the case.

"He stole my bag of jolly ranchers and I was pissed."

A moment of silence.

Then, finally, he laughed.

"That seems about right."

"What's that supposed to mean?" You hollered out, almost offended at his words.

"It means I love you." He played it off and grinned at the look on your face. You huffed in defeat.

"Smart man."

"A genius, if you will."

"Okay, now you're pushing it."


"Hey, what's that?"

You could've jumped out of your skin.

And it sure felt like you did.

Your body did what whole "electrocuted worm" movement at the sound of a voice, a voice which belong to Mikey- your boyfriend. You hadn't known he had showed up yet. Looking at the time, sure enough he'd turned up early for a good movie night at your apartment.

You were currently sat on your bed after a shower, drying your hair with a towel in a sport bra and shorts.

You turned to look at him, breathing through your mouth to calm yourself and to see what he was looking at.

"Hey babe." You greeted him with a cheerful voice nonetheless- like he hadn't just scared the life out of you- and turned to see what he was talking about. "What is it?" You didn't point out that he was early. Every now and again he was. He was always excited to see you.

He got to the bed and sat on the other side, then pointed at you. "That."

You looked over your arms. You didn't see what he was talking about. Right when you went to ask for confirmation, his fingers grazed your back. You jolted slightly at the feeling.

"Does it hurt?" He pulled his hand away, but stopped once you shook your head. You immediately understood what he was inquiring about now. Some scars, two big ones on the left side of your back, starting at your shoulder blade and dragging down to your ribs.

"It's just scars." You assured him. You knew another question would follow and it did.

"What happened?" His hand returned to your back.

"A bicycle accident. It happened a couple of years ago, I forget the scars are even there."

"Did it hurt?"

"When it happened? Of course. I had to get stitches. I was popping a wheelie and flipped back into this pole with a broken top, totally ruined by back for a bit." You turned to look over your shoulder at him. "I'm okay now though."

Mikey, the carefree boyfriend everyone knew him as often worried about you. You knew that, so you covered all your bases. I was once hurt, this is what happened, I'm okay now. That kinda thing.

Mikey nodded but you figured it was more towards himself than towards you. "Next time you pop a wheelie let me know so I can catch you." He winked at you, returning back to his playful demeanor. You nodded playfully back.

"I'll keep that in mind babe."

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