Overprotective (All the guys)

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Your in-laws being overprotective of you, Mikey's pregnant wife, because they're all excited about the baby.

The moment you told Mikey you were pregnant, he'd been so happy. You never thought he could be so... well, excited. Mikey was normally excited about everything in life, hyper and all the ready to discover anything it had to offer, but this time he was excited.

You'd imagined the thoughts of motherhood many times growing up but not once did you think about carrying a mutant ninja turtle's baby in your belly.
And when it came true that you were in fact pregnant with his baby, again, another unpredicted thing was just how overprotective the whole family would become over you.

You were close with all the guys, including Splinter. You and April were practically sisters at this point. Casey and Vern were like crazy relatives in your mind. When you told the family, it had been quite funny. Donnie asked how far along you were and you told them you'd been a month along now, just wanting to have been sure you were pregnant before spilling the beans.

Since you and Mikey were married and living in the lair, it was pretty normal for you to take care of the guys. Sure, they were grown men that could do it themselves, but it gave you something to do and people to dote on. They were all super busy and had their own lives, each one also needing some time away from doing their own things. This meant you'd gladly volunteer for dishes or sweep their rooms for dirty laundry and run it through for them. You didn't do this all the time, though. Leo often helped out and did his brother's things. Mikey would join in and make it a game. Raph would quietly stalk around and do his chores when he needed to. Donnie, though he appeared to help, it was more rare. He was so holed up into his lab he really didn't have dirty dishes or laundry all the time. It was mostly just the other brothers.

Splinter would help when you got up to clean the living room after a movie night- that is, if you were the first up. Splinter watched you very carefully when it came to how dedicated you were to cleaning up. You now had to do your job online because of stress, which was actually more stressful online than doing it in person. Now, you dealt with people electronically or monitored what needed to be monitored. It was a simple process as long as Mikey didn't mix up files and papers on your desk while trying to find some of his art supplies.

This being said, on month two, you really began to see overprotective behavior within the family.

Of course Mikey had made sure to tell you to relax. Stress was the last thing his amazing wife needed, but he wasn't going to stop you from doing day to day tasks that you ran into your habits. You'd warned him not to mess with your schedule too much because that would bother you. So he wasn't to intervene unless he felt you needed it.

First in line was Raph. As previously stated, Raph was quiet when he had to do his own chores. It was in the evening and you just finished work, the stress of a customer bringing you to want to clean. It helped get your mind off of it at least, so you started sweeping rooms and tossing clothes into dirty hampers. One after another, you carried somehow already full hampers across the lair to the washer Donnie had installed. Raph had been reading a comic in his room and finally emerged from said room when you were unloading the dryer.

When he saw the full basket of clean laundry in your hands, his eyes grew wide as he closed the distance in the room between the two of you. "Woah, I don't think yer supposed ta be carryin' that."

You moved the basket to rest on your hip and wiped at your forehead, a small layer of sweat already making its way to the surface of your skin. "It's fine, I got it." Regardless, Raph's hands had already pried the hamper from your grasp against your protest.

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