They See Scars On Your Back -All

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I didn't proof read so probably spelling errors


You faced the water and let the warmth roll over your face and down your body.

You loved warm showers, but you loved them even more when it was chilly outside.

You and Leo were finishing up the night with a good shower, dinner and a movie. Before this, he'd taken you across the rooftops to see holiday decorations and snack on funnel cakes from the holiday fair. You were never quite sure how he arranged the dates he did for you, but you were very grateful that he got to experience cute little "normal" romantic things between the two of you. You knew he was a hopeless romantic under his everyday leadership position.

His brothers would make fun of it if they knew -which they already had an idea about based off his movie picks- but it was something you'd fallen in love with about him.

Your hair was getting wet, and your eyes were closed because of the water splashing on your face so you did feel a little surprised when you felt his big hands gently touching your hips.

Yes, the two of you showered together.

Another romantic scenario that had you all giggly and lovey dovey towards him.

You slowly turned in his arms, laying your cheek against his plastron and allowing your fingers to gently glide across his own hips.


"Yes?" You hummed out a response quietly, basking in the calm feeling of being held by the man you loved most. Leo played with your wet hair.

"May I ask what caused the scars on your back?"

You thought for a moment, trying to remember the scars exactly. You honestly forgot they were there unless you saw them. Your mouth made an 'O' shape as you pulled away enough to look up at him.

Leo's blue eyes watched you carefully, curiously. As if he was trying to determine the cause before you said it.

Leonardo cared a lot about you. He wanted to know all about you, even when he thought he knew everything. If he came across a random question he'd ask it. There was somehow always more to you. He loved that about you.

So if he got the chance to question you on a scar or two he'd never asked about? Of course he'd ask. It was a part of you too!

The scars had never bothered him. He had many of his own and every now and then would tell you a story behind them.

You had two perfectly straight scars right by your spine. He couldn't really picture what would've caused them.

"Oh, those? I had surgery on my back once."

"What happened?" A thumb gently stroked your cheek, a loving thing he did when you got into intimate conversations.

"Two kids pushed me off a rock cliff. We were all jumping into the river under it and I was chickening out. They thought it was funny but I landed in the shallow end into a rock bed." You made a sarcastic grin at his 'are you crazy' face. "Leo, c'mon, I had all sorts of fun when I was little. You guys must've done some crazy things too."

"That I can't disagree with, love."


You'd been working out in your apartment in a sport bra and shorts when your boyfriend in red decided to pop by and visit.

You had the night off of work and he had plenty of spare time on his hands so he figured he'd come see you. He let himself in and wandered your apartment, following the sounds of heavy breathing and an instructor on the tv.

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