Heartache With Gentle Hands LeoxReader

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Note!! Hey everyone, it has been a while, hope all is well. Just letting everyone know that I have published the first part of my second book of this series, which I had to make due to all of the started drafts in this one. The second book continues some of the stories that are on this one, such as the Assassin x Turtles series and more!! So if you want to continue reading those, they are on the second book.

Also, this took me several months to finally put together so hope it turned out okay. I deleted and rewrote a lot.

You and Leo broke up three months ago. He broke your heart but you both still love each other. The only reason you happen to see him again is his brothers bring him to your apartment after a mission gone terribly wrong.

Warnings: A pretty long read, maybe cursing, blood mentioned, and break up.

"Y/n?" You frowned, eyes cracking open. You knew that voice so well yet it had been so long that you couldn't place a name to it in your half-asleep daze. Your bedroom was dark, nothing but the sound of running water from your fish tank and the low volume of the running tv had put you to sleep without you realizing it.

Your sleeping daze had been disturbed by your ringtone playing from the nightstand, and now this voice was in a half-yell in your ear from the other side of the phone. Whoever was calling you had better hope this was important.

College classes and then work had exhausted you, and you had all day tomorrow to endure it all over again.

On the other side of the call was shuffling. You hastily pulled the phone from your ear, closing your eyes at the bright screen and rubbing at your eyes with your free hand. A displeased hum escaped you. "What the fuck?" Your angry grumble snapped at the caller. There was a strange noise and talking in the background. The caller apologized quietly.

"Y/n? Can you hear me?" His voice repeated.

"Yeah. What's up?" You mumbled, still fighting off your sleep. You had yet to question who was calling you at midnight on a weekday. More shuffling had pulled you into a sitting up position, running a hand through your crazy bed head, phone away from your face. You clicked on the speaker button to save your ears from any more torture.
While doing so, your eyes had caught sight of the name on the screen. Sucking in a hard breath, you opened your eyes wider to double check. "What the fuck, Donnie? Is that you?"

"Y/n, I'm so sorry to wake you. We got into some trouble.." you heard his panting from where you sat, the noise swallowing the room up. Your peace now swept away under the carpet, you could hear your heart thrumming in your ears. "Can we please stop by?"

"Donnie.." you rubbed your face again, now out of stress. "I don't think that's a good idea." This was the first you'd talked to him since the accident and it was because he had caught you sleeping. Would you have answered if you'd been awake to see the caller? Probably not.

"I wouldn't ask you if it wasn't an emergency." There was a plea in his voice, you'd heard it. Now that you were a little more awake, you could hear more than what he was saying. He was out of breath, his brother's worried voices as they yelled back and forth made your blood run cold.

"What happened?" You dared to ask. You held your breath as he tried to figure out what exactly to tell you.

"It's Leo... he's hurt." Donnie confessed, then added a small, "..it's bad."
A beat of silence went by. Then another. Your brain wrestled around to make the right words, but nothing came out. Your heart was in your stomach now, mouth dryer than the normal bedtime cotton mouth you usually had. Your fingers began to buzz.

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