I Miss You

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"I miss you"

The silhouette of Jungkook can be seen from the bottom of the hill, falling onto his knees while the hues of orange and pink surround him from the sunset. He was crying, the shimmering beads falling ever so slowly down his face, reflecting some of the hues before parting to land on the ground. It was something that could not have been seen from the bottom of that hill, so he took advantage of that to let the silence and his tears carry his unspoken message, but to him even that was not enough. Through his tears, he had attempted to put a smile on his face, a forced smile if you could even call it one, as he gave a soft chuckle and wiped his glossy eyes.

"When I say that, I miss you more"
He could have been kneeling there for hours, his knees screaming out in pain but his thoughts overpowered the ache as he gazed out in front of him. The pebbles and twigs scattered across the ground digging into his lower legs, yet he could not feel a thing. He was letting his thoughts roam the space throughout his mind, taking over and removing him from this world, placing him in another full of lighter memories.

He could hear laughter, it echoed in his eardrums so vividly he was almost convinced that it wasn't just a dream, a memory. It came from all around him as he closed his eyes to listen to the sound that healed the ache in his heart. The laughter sounded as if the people were coming closer and closer, surrounding and then passing the boy, teasing him.

Jungkook could also hear the ever so distinctive music from the blue, now rusted, merry-go-round that he went to daily with all of his friends as a child. He remembers his favorite horse, the gray and white spotted stallion that gazed forwards, ready to charge. He remembers all of the races with his friends, the small bets of candy they would make on who they'd think would win. The yellow ribbons surrounding the merry-go-round course that would wave 'hello' through the wind whenever someone would approach. He remembers the time when everyone was young and innocent, playing around with no cares whatsoever. Jungkook didn't notice, but a lone tear made its way down his cheek as he remembered all of the smiles and laughter everyone shared. It was nothing like it is now, they could not replicate this happiness no matter how hard they tried.

"Jungkook!" a small voice called up from the bottom of the hill, snapping him out of his daydream. The said boy looked around himself and realized that the sun had now fully set, the moon close to being above his head, with the stars complementing the light given from the moon that only circles the Earth, watching its every movements, watching the lives of the people unfold before it. Jungkook glances down the hill and locks his eyes on the blinding pink hair that belongs to his friend. He only now feels the ache in his knees and slowly stands up, blood rushing to the part in his leg that he had cut the circulation off from for what probably was a few hours. "It's time to go" Jimin called up to him with a slightly sad smile. "It's getting late".

"I am coming!" Jungkook tried to yell, which was hard due to his dry and raspy voice from all of his tears. He stumbled his way down the hill, still getting his circulation back in his legs, and almost made it to the bottom when he tripped. Right into Jimin's arms.

"Hey." Jungkook said awkwardly which caused a huge string of laughter to come from Jimin.
"Hey." Jimin said with tears in his eyes from the laughter. "Ready to go?"

"As ready as I will ever be."

They drove back to the dorms in a comfortable silence, Jimin focusing on driving and Jungkook lost in his thoughts once more. When they got there, the rest of the group was waiting for them. "Hey guys." They all greeted each other. Nobody asked where Jimin and Jungkook went off to, they all knew. It was easy to tell where they went based off of Jungkook's red-rimmed eyes, then again he had been crying often recently.

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