The Sanctuary

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"You can't be serious," said Doc, bag slung over her shoulder and foot halfway off the loading ramp. "You can't leave a baby alone in the middle of the woods on a ship."

"He's fifty years old," defended the Mandalorian.

"He's a baby. Besides, he can walk. Just let him come along and be done with it." Doc turned her back and began walking. Nala sprinted ahead and back to her, eager to be out of the Razor Crest.

In the trees above them, light filtered down through the leaves and birds of species Doc had never seen before flitted around the branches.

Doc took a deep breath in, glad to finally be on a planet that smelled clean and fresh. She turned back to see the Mandalorian and the child following behind her. She bent over and scooped up a stick, throwing it far for Nala. The hound chased after it, kicking up plumes of dust and weeds in her wake.

Heat scans had shown a small settlement not too far from here. They decided it would be fine to check it out as long as they kept low profiles, hopeful to find some lodging.

The damp bark bent gently beneath her feet. It had been a long time since she had been on a planet so untouched by civilization yet so full of life.

They continued through the woods until they could hear the chattering of people nearby. Doc could smell fresh stew being cooked. They entered into what appeared to be the communal dining area. It had little more than hearty tree stumps holding the structure up and vendors of all walks of life were set up in the center trying to sell their goods.

"You! Yes, you, miss!" a young woman called out. "You look as though you could use some fine jewelry!"

Doc looked down at her tattered clothes. Her boots were covered in mud. Her black pants were covered in mud. Her short gray cloak no longer looked gray because of how much mud and dirt it was coated in. Even her fingerless gloves and sleeves had mud on them.

"Do I now?" she asked, amused. "I'm curious which piece of my attire says I am a curator of jewelry."

"Uh, well, it is more your lack of jewels that concerns me. What waste it is to go through this life not surrounded by beautiful things."

"She's covered," the Mandalorian stepped in, pulling Doc away from the booth.

"I wouldn't be opposed to getting new clothes not caked in desert mud," admitted Doc. "If you got new gear, I want new gear."

"We could probably find something."

Meanwhile, the child had disturbed a feline creature, prompting it to hiss defensively. Nala snapped back with even more terror, causing it to cower back into its hiding spot.

"Careful, little one," cautioned Doc to the child. He looked up at her with fear in his eyes. "Try to stay close, hm?"

They found a table on the opposite end of the establishment. The Mandalorian helped the child up into his seat before sitting opposite of Doc. Nala came and sat beside them, eyes watching the people move about their lives.

A woman came over – presumably a local – to take their order.

"Welcome, travelers," she said, giving them all kind smiles. "Can I interest you in anything?"

"Bone broth for the little one," said the Mandalorian.

"Well, you're in luck. I just took down a grinjer, so there's plenty. Can I interest either of you in a porringer or broth as well?"

"I'll have whatever he's having," said Doc, pointing over to a man across the way. Whatever the liquid was, it was bright blue and spilled all over the man's shirt.

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