"Would you like one?" "No thank you. You enjoy the grapes. I had brought them for you anyway." Taehyung nodded and set the grapes down after a moment. He looked up at Jungkook who was already gazing at him. Without knowing they both leaned in. Their eyes fluttering closed right before their lips met. The kiss was sweet and slow. Taehyungs left hand cupped Jungkook's cheek and his other rested on the younger male's shoulder. Jungkook's own hands found their way to Taehyungs hips. Squeezing gently making Taehyung moan sweetly. The hand on Jungkook's shoulder coming up to tangle itself into the messy curls of the younger. They pulled away and looked each other in the eye. A smile on both of their faces. "You're so beautiful in your own way Jungkook." Jungkook smiled and leaned forward connecting their foreheads. "I could say the same for you. You are so special to me."

It didn't take long for the two to become secret lovers. They meet anytime they could. Their love for each other growing more and more. They laid beneath the will tree together. Sharing gentle kisses and whispers of their love between each other. Taehyung had made the first move. Sitting up and crawling onto his lover's lap. His pretty green eyes sparkling with the love they held for the male beneath him. "Jungkook I love you. So incredibly much." Jungkook smiled and placed his hands on his lover's hips and sat up. They now sat chest to chest. "I love you more than I could ever tell you Taehyung." With a slight blush on his cheeks, Taehyung leaned forward and kissed Jungkook. Pulling away and leaning into his ear. Whispering into the younger ear. "Than show me." Jungkook didn't waste any time. He pulled his lover into a passionate kiss. That was the day Taehyung was deflowered.

Beneath the willow tree where he first saw the dark-haired male. They spoke their love in another language. No words needed to get their feelings across. Just passion and love. Their bodies one at that moment but their souls one forever. After Taehyung laid in the soft bed of flowers wearing the shirt Jungkook had on beforehand. Soft snores left his lips and he dreamed of the sweet things in life. Of a life together with Jungkook for the rest of his life. Jungkook sat dressed in his pants beside the blue-haired beauty. Admiring the sleeping boy. He wanted nothing more than to marry the boy. Yet if they were to be caught they'd be torn apart. It terrified the man. Maybe they could marry and run away somewhere else. No. He wouldn't force Taehyung to chose between him and his family. It was not something he desired to make the male give up for him.

The following week Taehyung had brought the idea of them marrying up. Jungkook had refused this. When he had denied Taehyung had been heartbroken. The green eyes Jungkook loved so much seemed to have dimmed instantly and tears threatened to fall. It broke Jungkook's own heart and he quickly began to explain the reasoning to Taehyung. Taehyung told Jungkook that he was a fool for fearing the others around them. The older male understood the risks but he was in love and wanted to say it to the world. If anyone tried to take Jungkook away Taehyung would fight them. He'd fight anyone if they tried to come between his love. Yet in his eyes, Jungkook didn't love him enough to do the same. Standing up Taehyung began to leave. The flowers growing around him began to darken in color. The bright and pastel colors turning into dark colors such as dark reds, blues, and purples. Jungkook watched him go with tears of his own falling.

The two lovers didn't see each other for almost two weeks after that. Taehyung refused to return to the creek too scared to face his lover after his outburst. His mother had noticed the dark color of the flowers growing around him. She asked him what was going on to make him so sad. That was the day she came to learn of her son's secret lover. She had been quite surprised but supported her son. She had convinced him to talk things out between Jungkook. To understand further where the younger male was coming from. That day he left for the creek when he arrived he noticed how the area was much more dead. The grass was a pale yellow in the most random areas. As if Jungkook just walked around without much thought as he waited for him. Taehyung laughed at his lover and began to tend to the dead area. An hour later Jungkook came. He walked with his head down so he didn't see the blue-haired boy running to him. Jungkook was surprised when he was being crashed into. Two arms circling around him pulling him as close as they could. "Forgive me, please. I love you so much. We don't need to marry if that's not what you want. If it's more time you want I'm willing to wait too."

Jungkook grinned and kissed his lower to quit him. "Taehyung I don't want you to choose between myself or your family. That's the real reason I didn't want to marry" Taehyung pulled away from Jungkook and took his hand and placed it over his heart. "My family accepts you. I told my mother today. I wouldn't need to choose between my own family. I want to create one with you though. I wanna have a family with you. Imagine how beautiful our children would be. Think of all the good they'd bring to the world around them." As Taehyung spoke his eyes shined with happiness. Jungkook admired the male and couldn't help but wish the same things as Taehyung. "Then marry me Taehyung. Marry me today when the sun kisses the hills before the eyes of the stars." Taehyung didn't respond he simply kissed Jungkook. He was speechless honestly. He thought he wouldn't truly be able to marry the male yet here he was. Asking for him to marry him.

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