The One Night Stand

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The lights had been quite dim in the bar the night it happened. Taehyung had been tipsy. Giggling and clinging onto anyone who'd allow him to press against them. Another drunk individual had been Taehyungs newest body to cling onto after his friend Jimin had left to use the restroom. He smiled up at the drunk male that had been sitting at the bar in a stiff black suit. He doesn't remember much after the other male pulling him in close and telling him how pretty he was. It made Taehyung's heart flutter and soar for a moment. It had been a while since someone other than his friends had called him pretty. The rest of the night was a blur. The only thing clear in Taehyungs mind when he woke up was that he had slept with a complete stranger, he had the best sex of his life, the male was sleeping on his stomach beside him with his face turned the other way, and that he needed to get out of there pronto. 

Moving the black sheets away from his naked body Taehyung sat up and winced. Eyed looking at the floor to try and find his clothing. Luckily his clothes laid in a pile at the end of the bed. He quickly got into last night's clothes and turned to look one last time at the stranger. He had dark raven hair that was long and slightly wavy, a mole beneath his bottom lip, and long red scratches running down his back. Taehyung bit his lip seeing the evidence of him being with the male last night. He felt bad for leaving such long scratches. Some of them had dried blood around them. Deciding he spent too long looking at the sleeping stranger Taehyung dashed out of the apartment. The stranger lived in a large condo in an unfamiliar area of the large city. 

Luckily he had been able to find his way home. He stepped into his apartment and immediately took a long shower. He stepped out and got dressed into black formal pants and a white dress shirt. Eyes widening when they landed on the wall clock. He was now late for his first day on the job at the company. Quickly he jumped into his car and drove the large company building. When he got inside a young woman handed him a file and informed him that the meeting had already started. He bowed and thanked the woman before slipping quietly into the meeting room. Sitting down on the empty seat. The man standing presenting to the rest of the room turned around to welcome the late participant. Both male's eyes widening when they saw each other. Taehyung felt his heartbeat speed up. He had slept with his boss. His boss Jeon Jungkook looked at him and turned around. Taking in a deep breath before starting again.

The meeting soon ended and Taehyung was picking up his file from the meeting table in front of him. He wanted out of the small meeting room to avoid his boss as much as he could but alas luck wasn't on his side. "Mr. Kim I'd like to have a word with you." Great, he was going to be fired. Once the room had cleared out Jungkook cleared his throat and reached into his pocket. Pulling out Taehyungs phone. "I had meant to call one of the contacts on the phone to try and give the phone back after the meeting. Yet to my surprise you're here. It's a surprise to both of us unless you knew who I was of course." The dark-haired male raised a brow in suspicion. "Thank you for returning my phone. Just so you know I had no clue who you were." Jungkook nodded and looked at the male in front of him. He looked even prettier than his foggy memory provided. 

Now the boy's image was more clear than the night before. "It's best if no one knows of last night." "Of course I don't need people knowing I'm sleeping with the boss." Taehyung joked a small smile on his face. It slowly faded though when Jungkook smirked. "Sleeping with the boss? That implies you're sleeping with me in the present, not the past." Taehyung gulped and looked down at his hands. "T-That's not what I meant." Sighing Jungkook nodded and handed Taehyung the sleek silver phone. "Not that I'd be against it but I'd prefer to keep a professional relationship. Unless..." Blushing Taehyung snatched the phone and ran out of the room. Unless? What was he a child? There's no way he'd sleep with his boss again. Three days later Taheyung found himself beneath the man once more. Breathless and sweaty. Jungkook laid beside him a smirk on his face. He turned to his side to look at Taehyung who's eyes were fluttering closed from exhaustion. "I see you liked the unless option better."


no one:

me: rewinding the song to hear Jungkook hit the high note again in Euphoria

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