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Blue eyes watched as Jungkook smiled and had fun. Obviously showing how happy and excited he was to be there with the blonde. Yet the blonde felt nothing. He didn't feel excited, happy, or content. He was just there to pretend. Pretend he was normal. "Tae do you want to get some food?" The brunette turned to look at Taehyung. He watched as Taehyung smiled and nodded. Not noticing that the smile never reached his eyes. Grabbing the blondes hand he lead him down to a small restaurant. Taehyung followed behind him a small smile on his face. An act for the people around them cooing. In all honesty he would rather not be here.

Rather be home planning. He never wanted to have to deal with a significant other it just wasted his time. So when he was told that Jeon Jungkook liked him and was going to ask him out he wasn't excited. He only agreed cause it was a good way to appear even more normal, test the boy, and watch him react. It's like an experiment. They were sat down and Taehyung glanced at the menu. Not particularly liking anything on the menu. Not that he'd tell Jungkook that. He was meant to be a perfect boyfriend or at least pretend to be one.

"Do you know what you want?" Jungkook smiled and looked up. Watching how Taehyungs eyes looked at the menu then back up to him. Smiling widely the adorable box smile he loved so much. "I think a cheese burger sounds good. What do you want?" Jungkook shrugged and looked at his menu. He didn't want to eat like a pig on the first date but he was really hungry. He also didn't want to pretend with Taehyung. "I think I'll get the double meat burger." Taehyung hummed and nodded his head. Agreeing that it sounded good. He glanced down at his phone at the time and thought about what he could be doing right now if he didn't have to be out on a stupid date. Although he did find out that Jungkook blushed easily and smiled at the smallest of things.

Interesting. "I'm surprised you agreed to this date with me to be honest." That caught Taehyungs attention. "Why?" He tilted his head expecting a quick response. Jungkook blushed and looked down at his hands. Fiddling with the ring around one of his fingers. "People said you would say no cause you don't like people. That you were a little weird. I don't think you're weird though." The fact that he though he had to defend himself was entertaining. "I just like my space. It's not that I don't like people. It just feels crowded there." Taehyung gave a small smile for a little added effect. "If that makes me weird then I'm okay with that." Jungkook nodded.

"I can understand kinda. I like space too but I don't really like being alone." Great. That meant that he'd be spending more time with Jungkook than he'd like. Taehyung leaned back in his seat unhappy with the situation. He's already been out with Jungkook for two hours and that's two hours too long. Jungkook would be the perfect cover though. Taehyung smiled and leaned forward placing his elbows on the table and resting his chin on his palm. "How would you feel about coming over to my place this weekend?" Yes. Jungkook was perfect.

Well I've been watching a lot of Dexter and I love the way it is so wanted to write something a little like it.


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