Emotionless 2

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The old woman rocked quietly in her rocking chair. Humming quietly to herself as she sewed. She only glanced up from her work when the door to the house opened and in walked her grandson. Emotionless as always. He set his back down and sighed. Clearly thinking hard about things. "How was your date?" The older woman looked up a knowing smile on her face. She raised her grandson after all she realized he was different from the other children. "Boring. I did invite him over this weekend." "Oh? Is this good news?" Taehyung shrugged and looked at his grandmother.

If she stayed during the date she'd ruin his plan, and he hated when his plans were ruined. "I want you to leave the house this weekend. Visit your friend just don't be here." "This is my house Kim Taehyung you don't tell me what to do here." Ignoring his grandmother Taehyung walked upstairs into his room. His room had bare cream colored walls along with wooden flooring with a light grey rug thrown down. A small desk in the corner along with a bookshelf filled to the brim with books. All science books of course he had no time for fantasy.

After toeing his shoes off he sat down on the small bed. Thinking about what he had planned. A buzzing interrupted his thoughts causing him to frown. He picked it up seeing it was from Jungkook. "Hey Tae! I just wanted to make sure you got home safe!" Why wouldn't he? He drove himself home. "I made it in one piece." Jungkook smiled hearing the orders voice. He leaned back on his bed and looked at his lap. Biting his lip before speaking again. "I miss you already." Sappy and disgusting. "I miss you too." Must be a perfect boyfriend. "Cute. I'm excited for this weekend!" Taehyung smirked. "Oh me too."

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