♧Dom!Muriel x MC - Tease♧

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Without warning, MC tugged Muriel's hand to spin him around, swiftly pulling him into a passionate kiss before pulling away, running after Inanna with a wink and a smile, leaving Muriel completely flustered and hot.

MC's movements throughout the day hadn't gone unnoticed. Muriel knew what they were up to, yet, he wasn't sure what to do about it all. It was beginning to frustrate him, and although he did his best to simply carry on, MC didn't make it easy as they continued to tease him purposely.

Later on in the afternoon, early evening, MC went to clean up in the bath.

While they were there, they had left the door ajar. Muriel, of course, was under the impression that with the door being open, that MC had already finished up and left the room.

When he opened the door, however, MC was just stepping out of the bath, a towel barely covering their body.

Startled and completely red in the face, Muriel quickly shut his eyes, and shut the door behind him, while MC stifled their laugh.

That evening as they sat across from one another at the dinner table, it seemed that MC's teasing had ceased. It had been hours without any "accidental" touches or any funny business.

As this crossed Muriel's mind, it was as if he had spoken too soon.

MC's foot slowly began to graze his ankles, sliding their leg up his leg until it reached his groin, all the while making eye contact. When their foot reached its destination in Muriel's lap, MC's foot quickly returned to the floor, and their eyes went back to their plate as they finished their meal and stood.

Muriel, having had enough of MC's teasing antics, did the same as MC had that morning and came up behind them while they cleaned their plate. He whirled them around and passionately engaged MC in a kiss that quickly became deep and heated.

MC, although taken aback, was more than welcoming to Muriel's advances. They hadn't been sure if he would even pick up on their teasing at all. Nevertheless, they were quick to reciprocate his affections.

His hands were strong, yet soft and careful as they held MC's waist and body, moving up to their hair, and down to their butt.

In a stroke of confidence, Muriel lifted MC up onto the countertop to continue, both his and MC's hands on each other.

When he pulled away, MC found themselves to be speechless at first, before soon recovering.

"I wondered when you would make a move..." they teased with a grin.

With a smirk on his face and not a word to be said, Muriel carried his lover to the bed, laying them down and carefully, as to not crush them, leaned over them, his hands on their wrists, applying a light, yet firm pressure.

Before he continued any further, Muriel looked MC sincerely in the eyes and asked:

"Are you okay with this? We can stop if you'd like,"

MC laughed a little and smiled, giving Muriel their consent.

Satisfied with their response, he removed his hands and began to lift MC's shirt from their body while tracing down their chest with his rough hands. 

He hesitated at MC's hitched breath and only continued with their reassurance.

It wasn't long before both of them were undressed, with Muriel in control.

As a man of little words, he gave only one-word orders, while making sure that MC remained comfortable at all times, ready to stop at a moment's notice.

As payback for earlier, Muriel teased MC just as they had to him with feather-light touches, lingering longer in one place than they should.

When he's satisfied with MC's frustration, Muriel takes more control and moves MC into a comfortable position. Even while being more dominant than his usual self, Muriel is careful not to cause MC any pain as he begins to move, making sure to keep their pleasure and comfort his top priority.

Laying underneath him, MC's breaths were heavy and rapid, trying to keep up with Muriel's pace.

Muriel's hands continued to travel MC's body, earning gratifying moans of approval from his partner, his name slipping from their lips numerous times.

MC's hand reached up to brush Muriel's hair from his face, the sweat on his forehead sticking it to his face. Their hand lingered on his red cheeks, touching his scars in love and admiration.

Their hand continued downward, over his stubble, down his neck to his chest and abs, where they traced his muscles and scars.

As they continued this, Muriel's pace increased, and his hands traced all over MC's body as they both neared their highs.

With a final breath of relief, he slowed to a stop and placed a gentle, loving kiss on MC's lips. 

As they both stood, he asked MC to stay and let him take care of things.

After disappearing for a moment, Muriel returned with a warm cloth and fresh clothes.

He sat on the edge of the bed and gently helped MC get cleaned up. 

Muriel left MC to dress as he went to prepare some water and a snack.

Content and tired, the couple lied in bed, cuddled up underneath the blankets and furs. As they laid there, Muriel ran his fingers through MC's hair and took the opportunity to compliment his partners, making sure that they knew how much they were loved, appreciated and cared for.

MC in turn replied with how much they love him and how much he means to them before placing a kiss on his forehead and one on his lips.

It isn't long before MC fell asleep, their head resting on his chest. Muriel continues to brush through their hair as they slept, finding comfort in their sleeping form, and he too soon drifts off to sleep, a smile on his face.


Alrighty, there we have it. I hope this wasn't too bad, I lack NSFW writing experience. I also tried to keep Muriel as in-character as I could.

Thank you all for your continued support for my book, and your patience. I know I take forever to upload, and I can't maintain a schedule for the life of me, but your support and interaction with my book really means the world to me

I hope you are all staying safe and well.

Love you all,

Fandoms <3

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