Day 5

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Dear diary

Harry finally trusted me ! It took pretty long time but still , I am so happy that he did . And yes , I named him Harry , just like Potter . Really don't know why ... It just suits him .

Maybe cause of his personality ? If you take a closet look , he is pretty much like Potter . His actions or his mood swings , just like this stupid scarhead . Especialy his green eyes ... I could get lost in them . I never really saw wolf with that eyes color , but oh well ...

Pansy said that I should spend more time with him if I want him to trust me completly . I am happy that she's my friend . She's helping me many times and allways cheer me up . Same goes for Blaise .

Oh right ! About Blaise and Pansy . They usualy would be doing some kind of stupid pranks and all , but . These past days they're acting different . I swear I could see blush on theirs faces sometimes ... I don't know what to think of it . They knew eachother from childhood , same me . Maybe they are ... A thing ..? I need to ask them .

Well , I am out to the great hall . I can't wait to meet Harry again !

Draco closed his book and jumped out of the bed . It was his rutine now . Wake up , write in his diary , go to the great hall with friends , lessons , go to see Harry , do homework and sleep . He simled to himself as he thought that he would see Harry in a while .

" Granger , I told you . I don't know ! "
Draco heard his friend Pansy saying . He turned the corner and saw Blaise , Pansy and Granger talking . More like , Granget pleading Pansy to tell her something .

" What's going on ? "
" Oh God Draco ! Thanks you're here . Granger here , wants me to tell her about some kind of wolf . And I don't know who the hell is she talking about ! "
Pansy said and give Draco the look : Play along . Draco nooded and turned to Hermione .

" That's not true ! I heard you and Zabini talking about that wolf ! "
" It's not nice to listen to strangers conversations , you know Granger ? "
Draco said with smirk on his face .
" I know I am sorry . But I really need informations about my Ha- wolf ! "

Draco looked at her with confused look .
' Was she about to say ... Harry ..? '
Draco thought for a moment and then he got a litlle angry .
" How do you know his name ? "
He asked with venom in his voice .
" So you do know where he is ! "
" That wasn't the answer I want . How do you know his name ? "

Hermione looked at him confused . Draco sighed .
" I gave him that name when he finally trusted me . His name is Harry now , so I'm asking you how do you know it ?! "
Hermione blinked few times and then she held a chuckle .
" What's so funny ? "
" Nothing , sorry . Let's say , I gave him that name too . "

Draco looked at her and rolled his eyes .
" He gave you that braclet , right ? "
" Yes he did . "
" Can I please go and meet him ? "
" No way . "
" Why ?! "
" He just started to trusting me . I won't give up a chance just because you want to meet him . You did something stupid , then make it up yourself . "

Said Draco and waved to his friends to come with him .
" So~ How ia it going with ... Harry ? "
" Pretty good , he is acepting me you could say . "
" Oh , that's good . Why did you told Granger ? "
" I have my reasons Blaise . "
" If you say so . "

( Time skip , after class , edge of the forest )

Harry was laying on the grass , watching the sunset . Even if he was a wolf he smiled to himself and looked at the castle . His ears flopped on the side of his head and he sighed . He closed his eyes and was about to go to sleep .

" I have enough of Granger ! "
Harry raised his head and saw Draco sitting next to him . He tilted his head and barked .
" She was asking about you today ! And even when I told her that I don't know you , she wouldn't give up . So I said I know you but I won't tell her anything . "

Said Draco and looked at Harry . Wolf looked scared , he scowled silently and closed his eyes .
" I am sorry ... I didn't mean to scare you ... Did ... Did Granger did something to you ..? "
Draco asked and came closer to the wolf . Harry looked at him and looked away . Then lightly nooded his head .
" I am sorry ... "
Said Draco and sighed .

Blond looked into Hogwarts direction . It was pretty late , almost dark sky with moon showing a litlle . There was a fee lights in the castle . Draco smiled to himself . Then he felt a light presure on his lap . He looked down and saw wolf laying his head on his leg . His tail wiggling a bit .

Draco was a litlle scared to touch him . What if Harry would run away and never show up again ? He didn't like when someone touched him . But Draco took the risk . He slowly put his hand in Harry's fur and started to rub it gently .

Harry for first was a litlle nervous but soon relaxed into Draco's touch . Draco petted him behind his ear and Harry started to wiggling his tail even more , he liked it .

" What ? You like that buddy ? "
Harry barked and get closer to Draco . Blond laughed a bit and started to pet him again .
" Your fur is very soft . I like it . "
Harry barked amd licked Draco's hand .

" I don't know how Granger could do something to someone like you . You're such a cutie ! "
Wolf looked at him and huffed .
" Oh c'mon , don't be like that . You are cute ! "
Said Draco and rubbed a spot behind his ear .

" Harry ? "
Wolf looked at him and tilted his head .
" Do you trust me now ..? "
Wolf didn't do anything for a second . Then he get on top of Draco and licked his face , his tail wiggling from side to side .
" I'll take that as yes . "
Laughed Draco and layed down , Harry next to him .

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