Libraries and Mandatory Events

Start from the beginning

Finding this revolutionary for her people then she stares at a book with crude drawings of the gods in them and stops to look at the one that caught her eyes. She looks at a small drawing of a gd that seems to be flying in the sky with bare feet and holding with Hearts and clouds all over with a bright smile. She feels as if she has met him before and seems infatuated with the drawing. They journey progress and eventually they get to shore and she unloads from the ship after being paid for her services. 

Zeke watches the woman travel to the church to discover more about the gods she just learned of on the ship. Once arrived at the church sheiks permission to them to read their books but they say she must be baptized to do so. She agrees knowing the benefits of it and does so afterwards she gains the ability to speak to all and as well a small blessing from the god of space. She eventually ends up staying with them for several weeks reading all the books and scrolls she is allowed to read about the gods. 

She eventually starts to travel to all the places with free books to read eventually she manages to read almost every book and scroll she can find. She then writes down her research and compares it to other texts she bought. Seeming to be running low on funds she starts doing trade with several merchants and investing in ones she researched to have prospects. After a several months of doing so she became very wealthy in the coastal city and started to create a research lab for herself and took in several apprentices. By her orders they started to do major research in the city and the surrounding areas on the fauna, flora, and magic. After two years she has now established a public library to get info out to the masses interested in it and lets anyone read the books along as they pay a one time membership fee they are issued a magic stamp to ether an adventurer or Merchant guild card.

Eventually she established a research school that will be managed by her company until it can become independent. Afterwards she then made her way across the country and established more libraries in town and cities being made more common in over more than three years. Eventually her curiosities lead her to the city of Judgement where she is now researching the Heroes of many stories she read about only meeting those who claim to know them. She is now in her house in the city and is in a room piled with books and appears and many random items related to them. She then looks out her window as if some thing called her and she sees three boys who look like dreads but with short ears and they are hanging around a piber seeming to try to get info out of the man. The boys seem to be around 9 years old and the piber seems different from others she was met before this one is hiding something and has an aura to him.

She gets up and tries to run out of the room but crashes as she goes down the stairs eventually in a disheveled self makes it out of the door and runs up to the kids and man and stops them. She eventually stops them and tries to speak but is also catching her breath, 

Celesti ( Stop real quick for a moment....ugh huh ugh huh ugh hug... those boys what are they they look like dreads but why are their ears small and have those tattoos?)

Arti (  Why do you wish to know about these boys I will only give you one chance to explain or we are leaving. Now tell me why do you wish to know about these boys?)

Celesti ( Oh sorry I got caught up in my thoughts for the moment, My name is Celesti and I am the head researcher and owner of the Colorful Lights research group and company. Im asking about these boys because they look like children from my race but they seem to have other types of blood running through them. So I was now interested in how and who and why these boys are and if I could get some info on them.)

Arti ( You speak to much and need to learn privacy so please leave and leave these boys alone they are kids. If you don't you will have a problem with me.)

Celesti ( Hmm you seem to be a fighter of some type determining your arms and body shape I would say you use a heavy blunt weapon and some form of magic to aid. You seem to be experienced in combat and even have a grand amount of magically energy on you. Maybe you have a blessing from a god to help you, I would assume God Glacera since he founded your peoples ways.)

Arti ( Lady you seem to not understand threats at all especially when some one bigger than you is making them and surrounded by their magically energy. Your name was Celesti right well ill give you this heads up you will have to face their mother and I can say she is not as nice with strangers as me so please leave.)

Celesti ( Hmmmmmmmm I feel like you are very familiar to me as if I seen you some where before but that aside I will ask another time about these boys and their lineage my questions will be answered. For knowledge. )

She leave and the four of them look at the dread woman return from the direction she came from with confused and concerned looks on their faces. Arti manages to convince them he will handle the woman and he hen escorts them home just in case she shows up after he leaves. Zeke watches as the boys tell their mother about the weird woman and how she didn't register Arti's threat at all and seem to ignore his aura as if she was immune. Arti himself does his research own her and pays many informants about her and to keep tabs on her just in case. Zeke then smiles knowing several future gods are now in one spot and wonders why they seem t gather together. As he watches the monitor in his throne room he gets a notification in his interface and cracks a small smile reading.

[ Cider as dies and ascended to godhood ]

seeing this Zeke now knows that Obitel will be happy to be together forever with his true love and wonders what she will do now as the goddess of Farming and Harvest. He now is greeted by her in her god form and seems to be fitting the role of it as well.. She looks like her mortal self abut is dressed as a farmer with a large hat to cover the sun and big farming gloves. She has her hair up and seems to be ready to work the fields. Zeke orders a jury female to lead her to her room and then the new fields he created just for her two use and experiment with. As she leaves he looks aback at the screen and watches another year pass on the world but then it stops and plays normal and he looks art it concerned then his interface opens up in front of him and says in big bold red words.

 [ Interface overide has commenced and options have been temporally paused interference is not possible for limited time. ]

Seeing this he looks back at his screen and sees a small girl standing in the middle of it and looking at the city of judgement with a smile as the environment turns dark and cloudy. Zeke watches the scene with his heart now beating fast and with wide eyes watches the figure walk towards the city.

Well you died and are now GOD.Where stories live. Discover now