Chapter 34: The Epilogue

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Gumball was sound asleep in bed, so sound asleep that he did not hear little footsteps running into the bedroom. His sleeping was abruptly interrupted when he felt sudden pressure on his chest and tried to grasp for breath.

"Daddy, wake up!" shouted a voice in front of him. Gumball opened his eyes and saw his son Daniel, a little glowing blue fairy cat crawling on the sheets over him, eager to wake his father up. Gumball just started laughing. "It's time to get ready and go to Mimi and Papa's house, Daddy!"

"Okay, okay," Gumball said in his deep voice as he yawned. "Just gimme a second to wake up." His other two kids, Maura and Gummy Jr, came in after their four-year-old sibling.

"I swear, we tried to stop him," said Maura, the oldest child and Gumball's daughter who was a yellow cat.

"Is he ever gonna stop being so feisty?" said Gummy Jr, the middle child and Gumball's son who was a glowing blue fairy.

"Who knows?" said Gumball with another laugh. At that very moment, his wife Penny woke up in bed next to him.

"Morning," said Penny as they smooched. "It's your turn today," she said with a smile. Gumball groaned in humor.

"Alright Daniel, let's get you ready," said Gumball as he got out of bed and led him out of the room.

"Do we really have to today, Mom?" said Gummy Jr.

"You know your Grampa and Gramma are not getting any younger," said Penny. "So we have to cherish every moment we spend with them, and that includes casual visits."

"Whatever, I'm not going," said Maura with her arms crossed. Penny simply morphed her head into her red medusa-like form with a forked serpent tongue and snake hair and hissed at her daughter to obey her. "Fine," she said after a sigh. When she left, Gummy Jr. approached his mother.

"She's probably just jealous she can't do that like we can," he said to her.

"Speaking of which," said Penny, "I wanna see your best one right now." Gummy Jr. had been practicing, so he put his practice into action by displaying his scariest medusa-like form to his mother. When he hissed at her, Penny's stomach dropped. "Woah!" she exclaimed. "That was pretty good! I'm serious, that genuinely scared me! You keep working on it and will be perfect!"

Gumball and Penny and the kids arrived at the little blue house Gumball grew up in in Elmore. While it showed its age, and retained its character. Daniel eagerly ran up to the door and jumped up just high enough for his finger to ring the doorbell. Within a moment, an elderly Richard opened the door.

"Grampa!!" shouted Daniel, jumping up and down.

"Little Danny!" said Richard, who then picked him up off the ground and hugged him. "So good to see you! Gumball, Penny, Maura, and Gummy Jr. came up to the doorstep. "Hey guys!" Richard said.

"Hey, Dad," said Gumball as they walked in. "How's everything going?"

"Fine, fine!" said Richard. "Hey, kids! Your Gramma is making brownies in the kitchen." What followed was gasps from both Gummy Jr. and Daniel. That was when an elderly Nicole came out, wearing a red cardigan sweater, holding a tray of brownies in her paws.

"And they're ready!" she said in her aged voice. "Ready to eat!"

"Yay!" shouted Gummy Jr. and Daniel as they rushed over and began scarfing down on brownies.

"Looks like we got a couple of hungry hungry hippos here," said Richard.

"And I guess one hippo doesn't wanna chat," said Nicole, pointing at Maura, who was on her phone.

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