Chapter 22: The Session

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It was Monday morning in Elmore, a little under seventy-two hours since the Great Elmore Junior High Massacre of 2020. While the unintentional perpetrator was now fully checked out of the hospital after a spontaneous and severe muscle spasm and contraction as an after effect, he still did not feel ready to step back into the amazing world, and certainly not ready to go back to school. He made amends and got back together with his girlfriend, yet Gumball still felt incredible guilt from all the destruction he caused resulting from the biggest mental breakdown he had ever experienced. He felt guilt for instilling fear within his classmates, fear of endangerment.

On top of all of it, he kept thinking about his most recent dream about the basement of the hospital. He kept wondering what was down there that his dreams had now twice prevented him from seeing. What made him all the more suspicious is why his mother was so edgy when he brought up the dream the following morning in his hospital bed? Could it have been possible she had seen into his dream? How was that even possible without using the purple mat and candles and static noise back at home? Or was there something deeper going on underneath the surface?

All these thoughts and questions kept bouncing through Gumball's head as he showered and brushed his teeth, groomed and brushed his fur and combed his whiskers. He was still nervous to even be around his siblings, and he could tell they felt the same way. Not a word was said during breakfast.

Darwin and Anais grabbed their backpacks and left to catch the school bus, again without saying a word. Gumball slowly put his backpack on and struggled to walk to the door, still too hesitant to proceed with the day like normal. Nicole stopped him before he made it to the door.

"Gumball, sweetie," she said. "Remember?" She held up the blue headband for Gumball to wear throughout the day. Gumball was more than bummed out seeing this thing presented to him, the one his mother wore for some time when she was pushed over her limit at Elmore Junior High. "It's just temporary, Gumball. I promise you won't have to wear it forever." Gumball continued to pout as he put it on.

"I just look so silly with this thing on my head," he said. "Why me?"

"It's for your safety and everyone else's safety," said Nicole as she handed him his sacked lunch. "Now, how about you go have a good day at school, huh?" Gumball simply shrugged.

"Okay, I'll try." He saddled his backpack over his shoulder and moped on out the house as Nicole watched him, with utter confidence he would surely have a great day. Gumball caught up with his siblings at the bus stop in front of their house. They tried not to stare, but the blue headband was on all three of their minds.

"Do I look dumb with this thing on, guys?" asked Gumball.

"No you don't," said Anais, trying to talk some relief into her brother. "Lots of people wear headbands actually. Just be glad you're not wearing a shock collar."

"Or a muzzle," added Darwin.

He and Anais quickly realized these were poor choices of words.

The students on the bus were unusually quiet. Nobody was staring at Gumball, but he knew exactly what was on everyone's minds. He just sunk down into his seat, trying not to be seen by anyone. He felt especially embarrassed wearing the blue headband in front of everyone.

In front of the school, he disembarked the bus with everyone else, still feeling beyond awkward to even be at school. He looked around and noticed several pairs of eyes staring at him. Some quickly looked away out of fear. Gumball felt there was nothing he could do to assure everyone he was under control now. Not even he knew if he was under control.

"Come on Gumball," said Darwin. "We're gonna be late for class." Gumball struggled to clear the lump in his throat as he hesitantly followed his adopted goldfish brother into the school.

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