I cringed and smiled as I nodded my head  "nice to meet you too" I clenched my jaw as my eyes locked with Yoongi's, his whole body language had shifted as he looked upset and uncomfortable 

"Babe..do you think I could talk to you later?" Yoongi asked me as he looked down 

"Maybe, I'm a bit drunk at the moment" I giggled "if it's something serious I would wait until tomorrow unless it's an emergency" 

"That's fine" he shook his head "it can wait" he smiled 

"Let's get back to dancing" Tae said with a smile as he raised our arms up, I cheered and followed him back to the makeshift dance floor in the living room. 

"He is whipped" he whispered into my ear "I'm telling you right now, he's in love with you and he knows it"

I snorted as I laughed "yeah okay Tae" 

"I'm serious Beverly, trust me" 

I nibbled my bottom lip as I thought about it, I looked around the room and caught sight of them making out against the wall only a few feet away from us. My heart sunk as I watched them kiss. 

They held hands as she led him up the stairs to the rooms, Yoongi and I locked eyes as my eyes welled up with tears. 

"I want to go home" I said to Tae as I stopped dancing 

"Okay" he nodded and held my hand as we pushed through the crowd, we made it to the front door  

"Bevvy!" Yoongi yelled over the music, I ignored him as I ran out of the house and jumped into Tae's car. 

Tae started the car and we drove off, I started to cry

"He was going to fuck her upstairs until we locked eyes" 

"I'm sorry Bev.." 

"This whole week I have refrained from having sex with you because of him and he was just uhhhgggg I have no right to be this fucking jealous and stupid over a guy" I rolled my eyes "I'm so fucking stupid. Like three months and some feelings is enough for me to think we could be something. What a fucking dipshit I am" 

"You're not a dipshit, you're a person and you have feelings" he shrugged "it's normal" 

"Not for me it isn't" I shook my head, my phone vibrated and I looked down

Yoongles: I don't think it should wait until tomorrow, I think I need to talk to you tonight please. 

"He wants to talk to me tonight, he doesn't want to wait until tomorrow" 

"Well, what do you think you should do?"

"I think I should go home and sleep" I sighed as I rubbed my forehead "I'm tired" 

"Okay" Tae nodded as he pulled into my driveway 

"Thank you Tae, I had a lot of fun with you tonight and I appreciate you being there for me" 

"Any time Bev, we're friends before anything else" he smiled "I love you, go get some sleep" 

"I love you too" I leaned up and kissed his cheek, he smiled as I got out of his car and into my house. 

I took my dress off and my bra off before curling up in my bed in just my underwear, I tried to get comfortable but nothing I did seemed to work. 

I kept replaying everything in my mind from the last three months. It was so easy for me to fall for Yoongi, I wish I didn't. I wish I could just go back to the new years eve party and say no and walk away so that we wouldn't be where we are now. There's nothing I can do about it now, and just like Tae felt..if I tell Yoongi how I feel..he'll treat me differently and I don't want that. 

I'm going to have to swallow my feelings and try my hardest to be there for him as a friend and only a friend because I'd rather have that than nothing at all. 

I closed my eyes and tried to sleep, my bedroom door opened and I jumped 

"What the fuck? How did you even get in?"

"How many times have we argued about you not locking your back door. Honestly Bevvy it's like you want someone to break in" he chuckled 

"What brings you here? I thought you were hanging out with Nicole" I rolled my eyes as I laid back down 

"I was" he walked over to the bed and sat down on the edge "I've missed you a lot this past week..and remember how I said I didn't feel anything when she kissed me?"


"I think that's changed" he looked down at the floor "we vibe pretty well, and I asked her to be my girlfriend. I already told her you and I have history and she's totally cool with it. When I saw you crying at the party I thought maybe Tae had done something so I left Nicole to see if you were okay" 

"Aww, I'm happy for you" I smiled 

"Thanks" he smiled wide "are you okay though?" 

"Yeah, I'm good. Just drunk and tired. I have no idea why I was crying" I laughed to hide my heart breaking in my chest 

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah" I nodded 

"Wanna smoke a bowl before I go?"

"I shouldn't, I'm still a bit drunk. I'll smoke a cigarette with you though before you go" 

"That works" 

I stood up and realized I was still only in my lacy panties "um.. I should probably get a shirt on" I looked over at him and noticed he had a raging boner as he looked away and pretended like I wasn't standing there basically naked, I slid a shirt on and followed him out onto the porch. 

"I guess I can't just prance around naked anymore" I chuckled 

He laughed "yeah.. I guess Nicole might have a slight issue with that" 

We smoked our cigarettes in silence 

"You sure you're okay?" He asked 

"Yeah" I nodded "I'm good" 

"I was surprised you brought Tae with you" 
I caught the jealousy in his tone of voice as he cleared his throat 

"Yeah, he asked if he could come and I figured why not?" 

"Mm" he nodded 

"We still haven't slept together, I think that's fizzling out so I'll be looking for a new fuck buddy I guess" I shrugged 

"Jimin is single, he would be down" 

Wow. Okay. First the one sided love that sucks major dick, crying over this guy, and now he's offering up one of his friends to fuck me. 

He really must not feel the same way. If he did, he wouldn't be so comfortable about me fucking one of his friends. 

"He's taller than you, is his dick bigger too?" I joked 

"Hey! Are you saying I'm small?"

"No" I shook my head and laughed "you're plenty big enough, more than enough honestly, I'm just curious before I hit him up offering to ride him off into the sunset" 

He laughed and shook his head "I don't think I've seen it. Nor would I want to" he laughed as he put out his cigarette "I have to get going though, I love you Bevvy" he leaned over and hugged me giving me a soft peck on my cheek 

"I love you too Yoongs..have fun" 

I watched him leave and then I went to my room, stripped my shirt off, and laid back down in my bed. 

Me: he wanted to tell me he asked Nicole to be his girlfriend, but not to worry because she's cool with us being friends...oh and he suggested I start fucking Jimin
Bootycall: Jimin would be down j/s but that is really fucked. I'm sorry Bev. 
Me: it's whatever. I'm done. 
Bootycall: you'll be okay ♡ 

I locked my phone and rolled over cuddling with my pillow pretending it was Yoongi I was holding onto as I closed my eyes and tried to sleep. 

It Started With A Kiss  |18+|Where stories live. Discover now