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Hinata's POV
I was internally screaming. I cannot believe Kageyama sent that picture of me...... Then my phone pinged again with more messages from the group chat.

Rikiya: "Oh my word that's a lot of hickeys...."
Tanaka: "Yeah Shouyo got some!"
Ennoshita: "Kageyama explain."
Kageyama: "Hinata's fault."
Hinata: "Tanaka's fault! He spiked me!"
Ennoshita: "Tanaka explain."
Tanaka: "Ahaha well-"
*Tanaka is offline*
Ennoshita: "Damn idiot..."
Nishinoya: "Definitely tea~"
Tsukkishima: "Wait wait you mean the shrimp was dumb enough to have alcohol?"
Hinata: "I COULDN'T TELL! It looked like water and I was too stressed to notice the smell!"
Kageyama: "I'm not complaining~ 😏"
Hinata: "Kageyama!"
Kageyama: "What? You can't complain either you got to top me."
Hinata: "KAGEYAMA!!"
Kitani: "Never thought in a million years I'd be hearing about my senpai's love lives..."
Nishinoya: "Nah this is normal. We used to deal with this with our previous captain and setter."
Yamaguchi: "Don't disrepect mom and dad like that."
Tsukkishima: "Shut up Yams."
Yamaguchi: "Gomen Tsukki."
Hinata: "Well on that note I'm going to puke again. Bye!"
*Hinata is offline*
Ennoshita: "AGAIN?!"
Kageyama: "I'll explain later bye."
*Kageyama is offline*

And of course as I said, I dropped my phone and ran to the bathroom this time, hurling in the toilet. My hands gripped the edges and my entire body shook. I heard the door opening as Kageyama walked in again, kneeling beside me and once again rubbing my back gently as he pulled my hair back. I breathed heavily when I stopped and very slowly sat up, leaning against Kageyama to steady myself. "Ugh..." I groaned in pain as my head throbbed more, his hand still gently rubbing my back as he used tissue to wipe my mouth.
"Better out than in." He said making me scowl at him before I leaned forward and puked once more into the toilet. Ow ow ow ow... my body hurts so much....
My body was screaming in my pain and my head was thumping non stop it was torture. I couldn't stand. I was breathing heavily trying to catch my breath once I stopped hurling, slumped against Kageyama's body, completely broken.
"You look dead." He suddenly spoke.
"Gee thanks I feel so much better now..." I groaned sarcastically as a response but I was too weak to pull away from him. I didn't even try to stop him when he picked me up bridle style and carried me back to his bedroom, lying me down under the covers in his bed - him lying beside me and hugging me. I'll admit I missed this. Well... not the hangover section but the snuggling and cuddles and care I got from him. So with this warmth in my body, I quickly drifted to sleep, the smell from Kageyama's pillow lulling and overwhelming my senses. 

Kageyama's POV 
As I watched Hinata sleep peacefully, I couldn't help the wide, happy grin that rested on my lips. I kneeled down next to the bed and let my fingers run through his slightly damp hair. Even wet it was still soft which surprised me. His face was pale save for the light dash of pink on his cheeks from his hangover. I still couldn't wrap my head around it. But then again I guess I couldn't complain. After three months of separation, the mere fact of seeing him sleep so soundly in my bed, regardless of the reason was something that made my chest burn. But I felt okay with it. Almost like it's supposed to be there. Geez that sounds so cringy-.... 

But in the end it's true. After what I did three months ago, the fact that he still blamed himself for overreacting baffles me. I'd have a similar action if he did the same thing. I mean, I still struggled talking to Yachi after what happened just before I did what I did. I couldn't get that mental image out my head and to be honest I still can't. But I know I can push that aside knowing that at the end of the day, Hinata still chose me. He wanted to make things right again.  Of course I'm sure things didn't go exactly to plan but in my opinion it didn't matter. He was still here. With me. Well.... we aren't official yet and honestly I don't know whether it'll go back exactly how it used to be. But maybe if we tried again.... It could work. Properly this time. 

I silently hoped that would happen as I sat down on the floor, my back leaning against the bed as I released Shinryaku from her tattoo confines. Looking at her she seemed almost depressed. She didn't stand as tall as she used to and her eyes still looked dull. But when she looked at me with those purple eyes and seeing Hinata behind me, her tail and ears shot up and a gentle purr formed in her throat making me chuckle. "Yes girl, he's back. I just hope it's not temporary." I spoke quietly as I rubbed my thumb against her fur covered cheek. She nuzzled into me before walking forward and very gently pressing her nose to my chest making me hiss slightly in pain. Looking back down at her I could almost here what she was trying to ask. "I'll do my best to stop Shinryaku but it'll be hard... You understand right?" A gentle smile fell on my lips when I was greeted with a purr and her nuzzling into my cheek. 

As I was stroking Shinryaku, I heard my phone ping, signaling a message. Taking it from my pocket I opened it to see a message from the group chat which made me sweat drop.

Ennoshita: "So, Kageyama, Hinata, Tanaka..... Care to explain what on earth I'm missing?" 
Tsukkishima: "Yes King~ what happened?" 
Tanaka: "......"
Kageyama: "Well if you won't explain Tanaka-senpai I will." 
Tanaka: "WAIT DON'T!"
Kageyama:  "So to put a long story short, yesterday Hinata felt like he wouldn't be able to sleep so asked Tanaka and Noya-senpai for something to help him sleep. But they gave him vodka and instructed him to drink the entire thing in one gulp before he talked to me last night. And I think that's enough explanation no?" 
Ennoshita: "You Tanaka are so lucky Suga and Daichi aren't in this chat anymore." 
Nishinoya: "I can quickly change that!" 
*Nishinoya added Sugawara and Daichi to the group chat*                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             

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