I Can't Take The Pressure

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After the door closed behind Mark, Arin ran up the stairs as fast as possibly. He rushed into his room and locked the door behind him, placing a chair under the door knob as well. He laid down on his bed, and pulled the covers over his head, somehow managing to fall asleep.

The next morning, everyone slowly wakes up, one by one, and comes downstairs to the sitting room. Once everyone but Mark and Yami are in there, Arin recounts the event that had taken place earlier that morning. "So Jordan was in front of the basement door?" Wade asked. "Yeah, that's where Mark stabbed him," Arin confirmed. "Bob and I walked right past that door when we woke up and he's not there," Wade says. Arin stands up and runs to check the crime scene. He really isn't there.

Everyone else follows him, "Mark went into Jack's room after he killed him. Maybe after I went upstairs he came back and pulled the body in there," they go down the hall to Jack's room. No body. Not even Jack's. They all decide to go check on Matthias's. It's gone, too. There's no blood stains at any of the scenes. "This all seems really suspicious," Wade says. They all go back down to the sitting room to discuss everything that's been going on.

About ten minutes of discussion has gone by when Mark and Yami walk into the room. "WHAT THE FUCK, MARK?!" Arin screams at him. Mark's holding onto his stomach, "what?!" Mark shoots back. "We know you did it, Mark," Bob interjects. "What did I do!?" He actually seems confused. He's a pretty good actor. "You killed Sparklez. Arin saw it," Bob says. "Jordan's dead?!" Mark's eyes glaze over. "What the hell makes you guys think it was Mark?" Yami interjects. "I SAW HIM!" Arin yells, "he was in the hallway downstairs at three this morning and he came out of the basement door and stabbed Jordan!"

"Why were you downstairs at three?" Yami asks. "I wanted to see if anyone was willing to kill Danny to get what they wanted. Obviously Sparklez was, but that doesn't matter now because he's dead."

Felix stands up, "I can't fucking take this anymore!" He goes into the kitchen and rummages through the drawers until he finds the utensils. He grabs the sharpest knife and looks at it for a second, "the pressure. It got to me," he says quietly. He slowly brings he knife to his throat. Everyone in the sitting room runs into the kitchen. Mark grabs the knife out of his hand as Bob and Arin hold his arms down. Felix struggles to free himself, but Bob and Arin are stronger than he. "Felix! What the hell?!" Yami says, concerned. "I can't take this anymore. We're all going to die anyway, I'd rather I do it and know it's coming than someone else do it. And my life has gotten to a bad place. I've got all this pressure put on me just because I'm one of the most subscribed YouTubers there is. Everyone thinks I always have to be funny. It's like I'm not allowed to have any other emotions. I can't take it anymore."

"Felix, we need you. You're one of the most popular YouTubers because you're a great guy, killing yourself isn't the solution," Yami encourages. Felix calms down and they all return to the sitting room.

Arin somehow convinces everyone Mark is the murderer. Yami is still questioning it though. While everyone precedes to tie Mark to one of the chairs while Yami and Wade sit down. Wade refuses to talk now, for some unknown reason.

"Okay, Mark," Arin says calmly walking in slow circles around Mark, "we need you to answer a few questions." After only a few minutes of questions, the yelling begins.

Finally, Wade can't take it anymore. "Everybody shut up!" he screams, making everyone go immediately silent, "I have a question for him." Wade walks over to Mark, "when you got stabbed and I stayed with you, I asked who did this to you. You said it was M then you fell asleep. I'd like to know who you were about to say."

Mark locks eyes with everyone in the room before saying the answer.

Cliffhanger!! Since the first chapter I posted earlier was short I thought this would make up for it.

Who is it? Any ideas or theories write them in the comments.

I'd like to give you guys a hint, those of you saying Darkiplier, may want to come up with another theory. Just sayin'

And as always, I will see you int the next chapter.

Bye bye!

The Gamers' Retreat (A Murder Mystery ft. YouTube Gamers)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα