Chapter 9

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My name is Peter Wargner, and I am just waking from an endless sleep.

When I look up, I am surrounded by a couple of humans with guns. I see the face of a woman, rushing towards me with so much concern. She says her name is Aunty Petti, and she is here to take care of me. A staunch, thickly built man asks me what my name is. He seems like the commander in charge and reminds me of General Olsen, the commanding officer of the program where I was deployed to Galsong-7 for the first time ever. It seems like eons ago now.

I am also surrounded by people I used to look like. I feel as though I have stumbled into the future.

"We found your distress signal. It was wane but we could locate it. How long have you been here for? What's your name?" The woman named Aunty Petti asks. Her Bob bounces over her shoulders and she looks comical manipulating her brows like that.

I open my mouth you speak but all the energy is drained out of me. I want to say my name but my mouth does not move. I want to tell my story, to talk about how I had been deployed to this program along with other teenagers from my space exploration program, but strength fails me. The only question, the only thing on my mind is how wondrous this is. How have I survived? How has my device kept glowing for all these years when I thought I had been lost forever? Was this a dream? I try to use the sign language and sound, the language of the Hiermochts story, to communicate with them since I could not speak. But even this fails me. My hands fall to my sides weekly like a Ziploc bag filled with milk. As they all scurry over me again, I slip into a deep sleep.

When I wake up, there is a girl and a guy standing in the room I am in. They are conversing in hush tones.

"Oh my God, Austin. I can swear that it is him. He was the one I saw in that vision." The girl said. Her blue eyes are almost aflame with excitement, but the boy looks solemn, as though he was sore about being left out of something important. He folds his arms across his chest.

"What else did you see?", He asks, curious.

The girl thinks for a moment and it gives me enough time to look at her. She is pretty, and she has the kind of energy that makes me feel relaxed about how strangely, I feel as though I have always known her.

Her forehead is still squeezed in concentration after what I have gauged to be a minute.

"Wow. That's odd." She finally said.

"What is?" The boy asked impatiently.

"I can't seem to remember anything else except seeing the boy."

"Emma, are you being serious right now?" The boy asked again, exasperated.

Emma. Her name was Emma. It was as though I had a distant memory of her that was suppressed, hidden far beyond the reach of my subconscious. It was so frustrating trying to rack up the nonexistent memory. I felt like an Alzheimer's patient mourning the slow degeneration of my neurons, counting down till they had all depleted and I could not remember my name or how to pee.

"I'm serious. I can't remember for the life of me." The girl said, her eyes wide open with disbelief.

The boy ran His hands through his head. "This is crazy. First, we stumble across the freak show garden in a cave with strange things. He feeds you a bean, this old creature you have never met before. And you actually eat it. Then, you fall unconscious or die for a minute or whatever because I actually thought you died. What the hell is going on?"

The boy had begun this nervous rambling. It seemed the girl named Emma was used to it because she listened with understanding. However, I was too excited to keep my new discovery to myself."

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