Chapter 8

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Austin and I begin our walk towards the ditches. The cliffs are just beyond, some of them are so high, it is as though they are kissing the sky.

Some of the cliffs are covered in green, some have plants growing from their crooked nooks and crannies. Others are covered with mould. Below Austin and I, there are murky pits where some of the main water source channels through.

"How far out are we?" I ask Austin.

"About 7km from base camp."

"Oh my God, we've been walking for so long. Is that even allowed? Are we allowed to be this far?"

Austin laughed. "We passed out limits some long ago. But hey, it's your idea to be rebellious. I'm only tagging along and learning from you."

I jab him playfully on the shoulder. "Me, rebellious? Where did you get that idea?"

Austin picked up a burgundy colored flower and twirled it in his hands. "You see, Emma, you have a quiet persistence about you. You are smart, gorgeous. It doesn't help that people underestimate you. You are quiet most of the time, alright, but you can really get stubborn and do things when you have your mind set on it."

I blushed, then managed a fake laughter. I had never been complimented like this before. "can you give me examples of this claim you so confidently speak of?"

"Sure. I'll start with the most recent. You knew you were going to explore this ditch, even before the confrontation or war or whatever it was, was over. You saw those natives escape and you don't call it to Major Santorez's attention because you wanted to save them. That was an act of bravery, you stood for what you believe in which is the sanctity of life, be it human or foreign..."

I waved my hands. "That doesn't pique bravery in me."

"Why not?"

"If I was really brave, I would have stopped them from neutralizing anyone at all. But what did I do? I was armed with a toss gun, saving just a few people. I could have done more, Austin."

"We can only do so much. Don't be yourself up. I think you did incredible and you did save lives." He paused. "Well, for my other examples, you rested under a shrub-turtle even when we were commanded to be prim and proper." Austin said with a laugh.

I cackled. "Oh my, that was a mistake. I thought it was a plant."

"But you weren't freaked out."


"See? Stubborn as hell."

I grinned. "These examples are not enough to prove that."

"Okay, there's the cafeteria saga." Austin said with a new resolve.

"Uhm, I don't think I remember that."

"Oh yes, you must. It was the first time we all met Akio. We had eaten together, me, you, and Zuri. And while we were about to leave, Akio came with his proper self and asked politely that we clear the tables. I was so mad."

I laugh raucously at this one. "Yea, you were so badly behaved."

"And you took his side so unexpectedly, leaving me, your supposed friend, because I didn't have the right principles. Once again, you stood up for what was right. And it involved two things. One, clearing up the table where we had breakfast, and two, sticking beside Akio when it became apparent that I was about to bully him or something. And it seemed such a natural thing for you to do. Your face was relaxed, so was your mannerism and aura. You don't fight with your fists, Emma. You fight with your mind and your calm."

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