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In the anti-void, Error sat alone on the non-existent floor, finishing up the doll of the Sans whom he had just killed, hanging it up with the millions of others dangling in his strings high above the non-existent ground of the anti-void. He sat there for a while, ignoring the voices' insults and screaming with practiced ease that nobody should have, thinking about what he could do next while he was still on his break. Maybe he finally had some time to visit Ni-

He winced as he felt another deep crack formed into his already battered and stitched soul. He sighed, before pushing himself onto his feet. He used his strings to bring down a handful of puppets, and plopped them into portals, leading each one to their respective owners.

After feeling the strings wrapped around his soul tighten in warning, Error quickly made a portal to the newly created AU, leaving the box of sewing, knitting, crocheting and half finished dolls and puppets open and in plain view on the floor. He'd hide them in his strings later, it's not like someone would want to go to that cold, blank white space anyway, if they even knew how.

Looking around after landing on the sparkling white snow, he immediately knew that something was wrong. The only thing he could see was the white snow, with a white sky, everything just... white. Error knew - from reading code that he wasn't supposed to - that the creator was terrified of this colour, and did absolutely everything he could do to avoid having to see it. It's why the anti-void is a good place to wind down or to somewhat heal after a battle, no one but the creator could open a portal to enter the place, and since it's just a blinding white endless space, Ink would avoid going there at all costs.

The b@l@nc3r'5 destroyer's instincts made him dodge five blasts that shot at him while he was lost in thought. Cursing himself mentally for letting his guard down as he felt the wind created from the force of the blast blow against his face, he turned around to face Ink, not surprised to see the army of alternate monsters behind him. Those he saw were mostly Undyne and Sans alternates, as well as the few Omega Floweys - all of which absorbed six human souls each, which Ink undoubtedly created just for this fight - but he didn't doubt that the more aggressive alternates of Asgore, Alphys, Papyrus and Toriel had joined in the army as well.

"Your reign of destruction ends today Error!" 1 907. "I won't allow you to destroy anymore AUs!" 2 560. "I will make sure that these AUs will be free of your senseless destruction!" Oh wow, 10 205. As Ink continued on his little 'heroic' speech, Error had a look at all the Sanses who were present. Sadly, he spotted a teared-up Blue, being held back by his poor-excuse of a brother, Carrot, and gave him a slight smile, hoping that he understood he was sorry. The others' eye sockets widened by a fraction of an inch, before he smiled slightly in return, and furiously wiped his sockets, trying to get rid of his tears. Carrot 'soothed' his 'younger brother', somehow managing to hug him even closer, before glaring at Error. He just sighed under his breath, before focusing his gaze back on Ink, who had broken out of his little 'heroic' spiel.

"What are you smiling at Error? Are you planning something?" 1 987. "'cuz if you are then-"

"tch. hasn't anyOnE EvER tOught yOu mannERs bEfoRE inky? bEsidEs, yOu shOuld stOp wasting yOur bREath, yOu'RE gOnna nEEd it fOR OuR battlE if OuR last OnE indicatEd anything." Error stated as he readied his strings. Not even a second later and he dodged a ring of blasters - 10 by the look of it - by teleporting away. Spears came out from the ground where he ended up landing, so he jumped. Orange and blue colored bones and fire balls were thrown at him, as well as a spiked vine.

He twisted around in midair, gracefully dodging most of the aerial attacks, before running along the side of the vine, using his bare feet to grab onto spikes to keep his momentum going. The rest of the attacks missed because of this, and when the Omega Flowey started using his missile attack along with the rows of fire, Error pushed himself towards the ground 50 ft below him using the vine that had started trying to shake him off. Doing a somersault and a front flip in midair allowed him to roll just as he hit the now trampled snowy ground, causing little to no damage.

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