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It was completely silent for a few seconds, Nightmare's small, soft snores filling the silence, as everyone processed the now lavender octopus - who was somewhat shifting colours subconsciously to match his surroundings - sleeping in Dream's arms.

"So many things make so much more sense now. But I'm getting distracted, we need to heal him-"

"Geno, I know you're concerned, I am too, but Nighty doesn't react well to healing magic. At least, last time he didn't. I just don't want him to hurt even more..."

"But Dream, he's missing almost half his skull. He needs to be healed. And now's the best time since he's not awake," Violet said, trying to reason with the positive guardian.

"He Raises A Good Point, Dream. And There Are Three Of Us Who Can Use Healing Magic, So Let's Heal Him While He's Less Likely To Feel It."

Dream looked away, still uncertain, "I guess..."

"Look, you told him he'd feel better after he wakes up right?" Geno pointed out, and Dream nodded. "Then, we should make him actually feel better by the time he wakes up by healing his injuries. We won't continue if you feel we're hurting him though, okay?"

Dream hesitantly nodded, making everyone slump in relief, before Blue, Geno, and Dream started working on Nightmare's skull. The rest of the gang were instructed to keep an eye out for potential danger and get food, like fish - since they had no clue if their diet would be the same as their species or not - for everyone. Violet and Fresh stayed though, since they wouldn't be of much help besides offering company and moral support.


Nightmare groaned, cuddling whatever he was hugging in an attempt to block the light and go back to sleep. He felt arms wrap around him in response, then the soft chuckling of someone close by.

"Heh, how long do you think it'll take for him to notice?" Notice? Notice what?

"I Would Think As Soon As He Wakes Up, Since It's Kind Of Hard To Miss."

Nightmare just dug his face further into whatever or whoever was holding him, trying his hardest to go back to sleep.

"Stop trying to make him wake up faster than he wants to."

A hand started rubbing his skull, making a tentacle twitch, and for him to smile a little. If he could purr, he'd do so by now.

"Who else thinks that Nightmare looks really cute like this?"

He twitched again, in disagreement to their question.

There were multiple hums of agreement, which made him shift to hide the light again. It was silent for a few moments, in which Nightmare realized that he wouldn't be going back to the sweet unconsciousness of sleep, and blearily opened his eye sockets. He rubbed them as he yawned, trying to clear his vision a little, but paused when he realized that he was touching bone and not goop. The guardian mumbled something in confusion, before he figured it out.

"Why... am I in my passive form...?" Nightmare managed to mumble out, his voice was still groggy from sleep. "How do I have both sockets...?"

"Don't you remember what happened yesterday?" He looked over to Cross, before shaking his head slowly. Then his sockets widened a tad as he recalled the painful experience.

He nodded, "Now I do."

"You're not in any pain right?" Killer asked.

Nightmare shook his head and stretched, his tentacles all going in different directions, "I feel like you guys have questions that you want me to answer."

*HIATUS* Mer!verse Continuation RewriteOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant