Chapter 29

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(First of all, I want to apologize for not updating in a while, I've been busy with school and art projects I've been working on. Now, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!) Now, I want to tell you first hand, I will make Renata attend school in the reservation, I tried to look into it, to see if it was respectful, but sadly, I couldn't find any information for it, so if you know or have information I didn't see, please tell me, I don't mean any disrespect with my story and all I'm doing is from a respectful and admiring place.
Also, I know that in the books Jared, Jacob, Sam, and Paul are all around 16 years old, but here they are:
Jared and Paul, 18 years old;
Jacob, 16 years old, 17 when he phased;
Sam, 26 years old;
Leah, 21 years old;
remember Renata is now 17, 18 in April)

Renata parked outside her friends' school at the reservation. She texted Jared, asking him at what time they had a break. She guessed he as in class, since he just typed "12". It was 10:30 in the morning, so she came up with a crazy idea. Renata dialed Sam's number and waited for him to pick up.

"Hello?" Sam said from the other side of the phone.

"Hey, Sam. Uh, you know how I still have to course senior year?"

"And yet you still got expelled? Yes, I recall..."

"Yeah... tengo una idea. ¿Qué te parece que I enroll aquí en la escuela de la reserva?" Renata said quickly, mixing English and Spanish.

"Wait, let me understand, you want to go to school? With Paul? The guy that you almost kill in a daily basis?" Sam asked and then sighed.

"Maybe it will benefit the pack? You know, we will have to learn to put up with each other and work together"  Renata had actually not thought about this, she was making it up along the way. Truthfully, she wanted to be closer to Jacob.

"Ok, ok. You can ask if they'll accept you, then we'll see" Sam sighed and Renata felt through the phone as he massaged his temples with one hand as he held the phone to his ear with the other, "just try to not physically assault anyone in the process" Sam hung up before Renata could tell him anything. 

Renata took a deep breath and walked towards the building. With a slight push, the door opened. The there were like four people in the hall, and they all looked quizzically at her. She felt so small under their gaze. Renata just tried to pretend she didn't feel them staring, as if there was something interesting in the white floor tiles. She tried to walk going as unnoticed as possible when she noticed... she did not know where the office was. Renata took a big breath of confidence and walked to a couple girls that were leaning into the lockers, talking among themselves.

"Hi, excuse me" they turned to look at her. Both girls seemed friendly; one was short, and chubby, her hair was pulled back in a braid, and her forehead was covered by longish thin fringe, in Renata's opinion, she had one of the most beautiful smiles she'd ever seen, her eyes were dark brown and warm, like hot cocoa or a cup of freshly brewed coffee, Renata immediately felt pulled into this girl as someone she wanted to have in her life; the other girl was taller, but not tall, her hair was lose above her shoulders and a piece was pinned back by a butterfly clip that Renata found adorable, she wore glasses above her eagle like nose, and Renata though she could be a supermodel, hers was not a traditional beauty, it was more natural and yet, unreachable, "I seem to be lost, could you point me to the principal's office?" Renata asked them.

"We can take you, if you want" the short one said with a smile, the other girl just limited herself to nodding, "my name is Nina, and this is Andrea" Nina told her, Andrea did a short wave with her hand.

"My name is Renata", Nina and Andrea started walking and Renata just trailed behind her.

"Are you new around here?" Andrea asked in a deep raspy voice, Renata didn't expect Andrea to have that tone, she didn't actually know what she expected but it was certainly not that. Yet, once she got over the shock, Renata considered it really suited her.

"Well, I've been living in Forks for about five months now but I'm now living with friends here in the rez, so I thought it would be more convenient for me to come to school here, you know?" Renata told them with a smile, just trying to avoid the fact that she got expelled.

"Well, guess we are your welcome committee then" Nina laughed, "do you know what year you'll be on?"

"Well, unless something preposterous happens, I'd guess senior" Renata laughed.

"That's great, we're seniors too" Andrea said with a smile. Renata really liked this girls. She felt really comfortable with them, like with her friends back in Mexico, it was easy to talk to them, "however, unlucky you, you just happened to meet us, the least popular people in our year"

"Who cares about popularity, Andrea? You two look like good people, and that's all that matters" Renata shook her head with a smile.

"This is the office, I really hope you stay, Renata" Nina smiled at her, "we have class now, so we have to leave you" she waved and left.

Renata entered the office with a smile in her face, just as she had done before in Forks. She stood in the front desk while she waited a twenty something year old guy to hang up the phone, my the tone of his voice, it seemed important. After ten minutes, the guy finally hung up, Renata had taken a pen she found and started drawing in the palm of her hand.

"Hey, sorry to keep you waiting, I was in a call with the school board. What can I do for you...?" He trailed off as he looked up at Renata. He was intrigued, mostly because she was a new face, not every day did they have new people around.

"Well, I was actually wondering if you are admitting new students" Renata bit her lip and played with her hands awkwardly.

"Uh, well, we have to talk with the principal for that, but I don't think that's gonna be a problem, we're still not deep in the semester. I- uh, I just have to ask you a few questions, is that okay? Just a formality" he smiled at her and she nodded. Since he was sitting down, Renata couldn't really see how tall he was but by the length of his arms, she guessed he was really tall, and he was also really skinny, like a toothpick. Patas de chichicuilote, her mom would say, "okay, full name, age, place of birth, and average grade up until last June"

"Renata García Moctezuma; seventeen years old; Veracruz, México; and up until last June, I think it was 9.6" Renata didn't really remember her average, she had always been a good student, but the last few months in Mexico, after her brothers' deaths, she started skipping school and lowering her grades.

"One last question. Renata" the guy, whose name she still didn't know, asked with a smile.


"Are you single?"

"I'm underage" Renata said simply, raising an eyebrow at him, "and no, I have a boyfriend"

"Noted" the guy winked and Renata rolled her eyes, "I'm Dean, by the way"

Renata simply couldn't understand this moment that just passed. Up until she moved to Forks from Mexico, no one she had ever crushed on had even turned to look at her or gave her a second glance. Once she got here, she met Jacob, and he was wonderful, and Renata always though that it was just luck that a guy like Jacob would look at her, but then small things like this happened and she was left completely confused. Renata considered herself average, at best, and it really baffled her when guys she considered to be in another league, to compliment her or even try to talk to her.

"Nice to meet you" Renata smiled.

"I'll tell the principal you're here, and she'll tell me if she has time to interview you today" Dean told her and stood up. She seemed to just keep standing up, Renata only guessed but he could have easily been over 6'11". Dean was inside for about three minutes until he came back out, "you can come in, Renata"

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