Chapter 37

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"So you're telling me that Paul, Sam and Jared can turn into wolves, your family can turn into jaguars, and vampires are real?" Leah said, she was sitting in the back seat of the truck.

"Yeah, that sums it up" Renata told her, "and don't forget the fact that we are shamans and it's our duty to protect the pack-"

"Okay okay, too much information for one day. My brain might explode" Leah exclaimed and laid down across the seats.

"How's your hand?" Renata asked Paul. He immediately grabbed the wheel with his left hand and gave her his right to inspect. She took his hand, probably the size of her head, into her small yet thick hands, and inspected it, there was a little bruising but overall, it was okay, "that was a good punch, and this time you didn't break any bones, and you kept control over yourself entirely... I'm really proud of you, Paul" Renata let go of Paul's hand, and he put it back in the steering wheel, smiling sufficiently.

They arrived to Emily's, where Sam and Jared were waiting. As soon as Renata stepped out of the truck, Jared tackled her with a hug and whined about Sam being mean and bossy. He was the most shocked when he and Sam saw Leah step out of the truck.

"Renata?" Sam asked cautiously.

"Leah, the pack, the pack, Leah, your new shaman"

"Jared, no matter how many days you keep dangling on my leg, it will not change the fact that Leah is the shaman" it had been thirteen days since Renata had told them about Leah, and Jared took it the hardest. He seemed to believe that just because Leah arrived, Renata would 'poof', disappear.

"But I don't want Leah, I want you" he whined like a little kid.

"Well, it's not your to you and it's not up to me- change leg, it's getting numb" Jared released Renata's right leg and clung to the left, "besides, I'm not going anywhere yet, there is still much for Leah to learn, and for you too. I will not leave until you are ready. I've seen how vampires fight since I was a child, I've seen the prowl train to defeat them. I will not leave you untrained. What you guys do is great already, but with proper training, you'll be faster and stronger. You will be able to anticipate their every move. With the Cullen's gone, more nomads are gonna stop by, and they are not as respectful as Carlisle and his family." Renata told him.

"You can do it, Sam!" Renata cheered with a chronometer in her hand.

They were practicing speed. Sam wanted to beat his own record of one kilometer in 30 seconds.  He was racing with Leah, Jared and Paul. Leah was the first to arrive, at eighteen seconds sharp, she was faster than any wolf, vampire or jaguar Renata had ever met, faster even than her; Sam came next at twenty-nine seconds with fourty four milliseconds; then it was Paul with thirty two seconds and shortly after Jared with thirty two and a half.

"I won again" Leah said cockily.

"I am so amazed by your speed, Leah. You'll catch vampires in no time" Renata clapped her back, "good job guys, it's been an amazing two months of training" Renata checked her watch and saw it was nearly time with her date with Jacob and she still had to get ready, "hit the shower and rest, guys. Tomorrow it's strength!"

Renata ran inside the house and took probably the quickest shower ever. She put on some jeans and a cardigan before grabbing the keys of Paul's truck and driving to Jacob's house. Jacob was already out and waiting when she got there, wearing a pair of ripped jeans and a dark blue dress shirt, with his long hair braided behind his head, he was visibly taller. Renata waved at Billy, who was looking at them from the doorway. Technically it was their second month as a couple, but they decided that they'd actually been together for longer than that so they moved the date to almost one month prior, to when they kissed for the first time.

Cliff Diver || Paul Lahote•Jacob Black/Twilight Fanfiction Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora