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Serena, Clemont, May, and Dawn all made it to the Orre Region, which flying on Pokemon took three days! Thankfully, they had a lot of tiny islands to rest at!

"Okay, now we have to find where Ash Ketchum is!" Serena sighed, "If I'm correct, Ash would be trave-"

"Wait, you know Ash Ketchum?" They heard a voice ask, and then they saw none other than Michael, "I know where he is, but why do you want to see him?"

"W-we did some horrible things to him..." Clemont sighed, "...we just want to apologize to him for doing that!"

"Well, Ash isn't someone who holds grudges against most people," Michael sighed, ", but what did you do that hurt him?"

"We.....we betrayed him, and helped Oak frame him for abusing Pokemon..." May cried, "Max and Bonnie were also on his side! And realizing how horrible we were, we want to say that we're sorry to him!"

"Well, I don't know if he'll hold grudges against you, but let's see, okay?" Michael sighed, and they started to walk to Krane's Lab!

They were walking to the Lab, and came face to face with their former friends!

"Oh great, the traitors!" Ash groaned, "What are you doing here?"

"Ash please, we're really sorry!" May pleaded, "We want to say sorry!" Ash's left eye flashed blue, and saw that they really regretted it.

"First, I want to know why you said those rude things!" Ash grunted, "That really hurt!"

"I was scared that the others would hurt me and Max if I didn't..." May sighed.

"They threatened to state that I abuse Pokemon as well..." Dawn and Clemont stated while tearing up.

"I won the Kalos Queen Title, but they said if I didn't, they were going to state that I had drugs in my locker!" Serena cried, "I'm sorry!" Turns out all those things were true, and Ash and Lillie gave them hugs.

"Well, I'll forgive you guys!" Ash sighed, "But the Ash you looked up to, helped you, and loved is gone. I loved Lillie, sorry Serena, but I didn't love you back..."

"It's okay Ash, I understand..." Serena sighed, "I'll probably find someone else to love."

"Thank you guys for understanding!" Max and Bonnie stated, "Also, we're a couple now!"

"Aw, cute!" Clemont and May stated in awe, making their siblings blush, "We won't get in the way!"

"Come on, it's getting late." Ash stated, pointing at the sunset, "Let's get some food ready!" The gang nodded and went inside the lab, ready to get some dinner!

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