Rage of Rivals!!!

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Two weeks before Ash woke up...

Gary heard the news of Ash disappearing, and over heard Ash's 'friends' talking about how he'll never be strong, and that it was better for him to be gone! Hearing this, Gary rushed to his grandpa to confront him about the betrayal!

"HOW COULD YOU SAY THAT?!" Gary shouted, "Ash is the one who saved us multiple times, and THIS is how you thank him?!"

"Gary, calm down plea-" Prof. Oak was cut off from Gary sending out Blastoise, Scizor, Umbreon, and Electrivire out!

"Guys, my gramps says Ash is a weak trainer, do you think that?" Gary asked his Pokemon, who all glared at Prof. Oak, "I state my case, let's see what the PLA has to say about this!"

Two days after Ash woke up, at PLA HQ

Gary told them what happened to Ash, and they were furious beyond belief.

"How could they?!" Cynthia outburst-ed, "He's a passionate trainer, who always supports his friends!"

"I know," Gary sighed, ", even his own mom, and my grandpa betrayed him!"

"Some people are gonna pay for this later!" Alder exclaimed, and everyone decided to teach them a lesson, and suggested Gary goes down to the Southern Regions, since those are the only Regions Ash might be in!

"I'll make sure to find Ash and the others!" Gary declared, then he took off on his Fearow!

Meanwhile Paul was battling Brandon, again, but this time, they were both down to their last Pokemon!!!

"Dragon Energy!" Brandon shouted, having his new Regi Draco send a red laser at Electrivire, but Paul had his partner dodge, and finished the fight with one Ice Punch!

"You did good my friend," Paul stated before returning his Pokemon, ", that was a good battle!"

"Indeed it was!" Brandon stated, "So what are you planning to do moving on?"

"I think I'll participate and win a League before being a Frontier Brain," Paul stated, ", there's a lot I need to-"

"PAUL!" Gary Oak shouted from above, "I need your help!"

"Gary?" Paul grunted, "What's the problem?" Gary told Brandon and Paul of the betrayal, and they weren't happy, but with Paul, you couldn't really tell!

"Well, let's go find him then!" Paul chuckled, "It'll be nice to defeat the REAL Alola Champion!"

"When you find Ash," Brandon stated, ", make sure you tell him I said hi!" The rivals agreed, then went on to Cerise Labratory, who have been searching for Ash and Goh for a while now!

"Whoa whoa whoa!" Chloe exclaimed, "You're saying since Ash is a bad luck magnet, and he lost ONE Coronation Series Match, his former friends told him to give up his dream?!"

"Unfortunately, yes!" Gary sighed, "Good news, we're heading to the Southern Regions to find him and his loyal friends!"

"I'll go too, I'm really worried about Goh!" Chloe exclaimed while blushing, she has a crush on him, but she was WAY too shy to tell him in person!

"You kids be safe, and Gary, Paul, keep my daughter safe!" Cerise exclaimed, they soon headed to the Southern Hemisphere, and they decided to start with the Orre Region, how ironic!

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