Under Colosseum! Four Traitors' Regrets

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Ash, Micheal, and Goh got signed up for the Colosseum Battle Royale match, and Ash had a special outfit for the occasion! [As seen below]

Ash, Micheal, and Goh got signed up for the Colosseum Battle Royale match, and Ash had a special outfit for the occasion! [As seen below]

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"You look handsome!" Lillie squealed while blushing, "Good luck out there, Ashy!"

"Thanks you, my princess!" Ash chuckled, "I think I'll use Riolu!"

"Riolu!" Ash's Fighting Type cheered, and Pikachu went on Lillie's shoulder, ready to cheer them on!

"Here come our contestants!" The announcer shouted, "When there is one Pokemon left standing, that Pokemon will be the winner! Now, please bring out your Pokemon!"

"I'm counting on you Riolu!" Ash exclaimed, "I choose you!"

"Ursaring, it's your turn!" Micheal shouted, and that took everyone off guard!

"Okay then," Goh gasped, "Raboot, it's your turn!" Goh had Raboot jump off his shoulder, and onto the field!

"Battle Royale, BEGIN!" The judge shouted, and thus, the battle began!

"Riolu, use Vacuum Wave!" Ash shouted, and Riolu sent a wave of sound at a Weavile!

"Now, use Blaze Kick!" Ash yelled, and Riolu's new move finished Weavile off!

"Ursaring, use Hammer Arm on that Bisharp!" Micheal shouted while battling a trainer and her Bisharp, and that 4 times effective move was pretty much a one hit KO to Bisharp! 

"Raboot, you think we can deal with Ursaring?" Goh asked his Fire Type, who nodded, "Then use Double Kick!"

"Use Smack Down!" Micheal chuckled, and after knocking Raboot to the ground, they kicked Goh out with Earthquake.

"Raboot, you were great, rest up." Goh sighed, "We'll get him back soon!"

"Drapion, use Poison Jab!" Paul ordered, and that move managed to take out three Fairy Types in one hit!

"Riolu, use Thunder Punch!" Ash ordered, and that did a number to the Dark/Poison Type!

"You go Ash!" Lillie squealed while blushing.

"Pika-Pi!" Pikachu cheered, and Ash took a second to wink at them.

Meanwhile in the Kalos Region...

May, Serena, Dawn, and Clemont were watching the Battle Royale go on in Lumiose Tower somehow, and they were feeling pretty guilty about what they've done.

"How could I do that to Ash?" Serena cried, "He's helped us a lot, and that's how we repay him?!"

"I remembered what we did when Max left," May sighed, ", me and Dawn would've never been Coordinators if it weren't for him."

"Bonnie was right too," Clemont stated, ", the boy has helped us a lot throughout our journey!"

"Maybe we should go find them?" Dawn suggested, "That way we can tell Ash how sorry we are."

"Not like they'll listen to us," Serena sighed, ", we broke Ash's heart." The four looked down in sorrow, because there was no way to get their friends, or their own siblings back!

"If only Ash were here," Clemont grunted, ", then the Alola Region wouldn't have been captured by Team Rainbow Rocket!"

"We have to try though," May exclaimed, ", we really made a mistake!"

Back with Ash...

Ash had been doing really well in the Battle Royale Match, especially because of Riolu's new moves! Eventually, it came down to 10 Trainers!

"Use Vacuum Wave!" Ash ordered, and that move managed to take out three Fighting Types at once!

"Now's our chance!" A trainer with a Mr. Mime shouted, "Use Psybeam!" That did a lot to Riolu, but Ash had one more trick up his sleeve.

"Use Reversal!!!" Ash shouted, "At full power!!!!!!" The move, despite doing 1/4 of the damage it should normally do, took out Mr. Mime with ease.

Eventually, Ash and Paul were the ones left, and despite them giving it their all, Ash ended up losing in the end, letting Paul have a spot for the Orre Champion Tourney!

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Eventually, Ash and Paul were the ones left, and despite them giving it their all, Ash ended up losing in the end, letting Paul have a spot for the Orre Champion Tourney!

"That was a great battle Paul," Ash stated, ", let's have a full battle in the tourney, got it?"

"Sure thing Ash," Paul chuckled, ", but I'm gonna win!" Ash then left, and got hug-tackled and kissed on the lips by Lillie!

"You were amazing!" Lillie squealed, "I know you can win the next one Ashy!" Ash thanked his girlfriend, and they headed back to Krane's place, cause the next Battle Royale won't be for at least a month, so they have some time to find Ash's Pokemon!

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