Chapter 2

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" Um...... Guys.......? where did she come from.....? " I heard a voice it was male's you could tell that much........ I was still knocked out, but that kind of knocked out to where you can still HEAR and UNDERSTAND people.........

" I don't know......... seeing how Hayner got us, to pull her out from the side of the wall....... " I could tell that one was female but I was still a bit tired and hazy so i just know that there's people around me........ talking about me.......... OH DEAR GOD PLEASE DON'T LET THEM BE RAPISTS!!!! OR KIDNAPPERS!! I'M GONNA DIIIEEEEE~!!!!

"why don't we just ask her........ Y'know....... When she wakes up....? " I could tell that one was male too, he sounds like Jessie McCartney....... Oh how HARD did I hit my head!?!

" Okay....... " that same voice that I heard the first time, said.....

" Why not? It sounds like a plan....... " the girl agreed as I started to slowly wake up some

" Hey guys! She's coming too! " I heard ANOTHER male voice.......

 " Oh.......... " I groaned with my eyes still closed "Why do I feel like a tug a war rope............? and why is it so dra- " I cut myself off and jumped wide awake pulling my skirt down, with a embarrassing blush on my face. Then I started to look around...... And saw people who looked just like ROXAS, OLETTE, PENCE, AND HAYNER!!! " WHO ARE YOU MYSTERY COSPLAY PEOPLE?!?! " I pointed at them then fell off the couch and scooted into a corner, with this face O0O.

" It's okay! We're not gonna hurt you! " The Olette cosplayer said to me while coming over here.

" Um.......... " I said with the suspect face its this 'O.o' face.

" Cosplay? " the Roxas impostor asked.

" Are you serious........? " I said about to jaw drop from him not knowing what 'cosplay' is.

" It's where you dress up as people........ Like example, you dress up after people from video games.... But in my case! " I said as I pointed at myself. " I'm cosplaying IA the Vocaloid! " I said while smiling.

" IA? " The 'Pence' one asked.

" Vocaloid? " The fake Hayner said after causing me to face palm.

" Vocaloid is a group of performers, that sing and dance is Japanese. and IA is a person from said group! i'm happy I lost the wig though! " I said while smiling and counting off my fingers, as I was still giving them the suspect look from my corner.

" Oh! I'm Pence! " The chubby boy said pointing to himself "That's Olette! " He said pointing to the girl as she smiled at me " Roxas! " He then pointed to the spiky blue eyed blond who waved "And that's Hayner! " 'Pence' Said last smiling.

" Hey! why was I introduced last!? " 'Hayner' said while crossing his arms.

" Should it r- " Olette started but I cut her off.

" BECAUSE YOU PULLED ME THROUGH MY T.V FUDGING T.V SCREEN, LIKE I WAS A TUG-A-WAR ROPE!!!! " I yelled while pointing at Hayner, and they gave me confused looks.

" Um......... What T.V screen........? We pulled you through that wall over there.......... " Roxas said while pointing to a wall

" And it was my idea, too! " Hayner said smirking while pointing to himself proudly.

" Ooohhhhh.........!!! " I growled as I balled up my fists thinking.

' If I REALLY AM, in the Kingdom Hearts series WITHOUT a weapon then there's NO WAY i'll survive! And i'm not just STAY HERE like it doesn't matter! I need to find a-No! I HAVE to find a way home! ' I though, well............ My SANE half did.......... The OTHER half of me was fan girling my ass off.

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