Chapter 4

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" Hey, outsider! Hurry up, and pick one! " Seifer yelled over, crossing his arms and glaring in annoyance and anger. While holding his struggle bat in his left hand, hm........ That's funny, in the game he seems right handed.

" we told you! " Hayner yelled again moving his hands in anger as he talked, kinda like in the game.

" She doesn't know HOW, to use a struggle bat! " Roxas yelled, just as mad as he stood next to Hayner's right.

" let alone FIGHT, with one! Can't we talk this out, and be reasonable? " Olette said on hayner's left, nervous on how this might go down.

" Easy " Fuu said smiling a bit smug like.

" yeah, y'know!? If she can't fight Seifer will barely have to do lift a finger, to beat her, y'know!? " Rai said smiling while he has his right, hand I think on his hip. Iunno it looks like the left from my point of view, but if you can imagine yourself in his spot and pose. It's really the right, hand.

" Their right, there's basically NO point in fighting you then. But..... Unfortunately for you.......... you have to be taught a lesson... " Seifer said smirking

" Whatever...... Let's just get this over with, prick...... " I mumbled the last word a bit, while rolling my eyes and leaning on my right leg. My left hand on my hip, while in my right hand is the struggle bat that has the hand guards on it. And is considered the 'offense' struggle bat.

" alright then........ It's your humiliation..!! " Seifer yelled as he started run across the sandlot towards me. 

' CRAP!!!!!!!!! '  I shouted to myself in my mind, trying NOT to panic.

" Mira!!! " Olette, Hayner, and Roxas said more like 'yelled' out of shock, from my choice to fight I guess.

 " Overconfident " Fuu said shaking her head.

" Fuu's right y'know!? She doesn't even know how to use a bat, but she's so confident, y'know! " Rai said on the sidelines like everyone else but on opposite sides, to avoid Hayner and them. While as the same time I ducked to avoid a blow to the head, from Seifer when he reached me.

" Be careful, Mira! " Olette called to me, as I ran a good 5 to 8 feet away from Seifer. AS I gripped the bat with both hands, and spread my feet and legs a good 1 foot apart. And slightly bent my knees, in a way........ I was kinda and basically doing Leon's fighting pose a bit.

" What.....? Chicken..? " Seifer chuckled as he let his hand and arm with his struggle bat, go limp at his side.

" Hey, Sefier! " I yelled as I started to run at him holding my bat, with both hands still but only held it towards my right. Since Seifer's on my left I can swing it diagonally down to the left, and hit him. If i'm lucky......

" Huh...? what? " He said snapping out of his chuckle fit along with his friends, just in time to see me swing the bat down on him. Just like I planned.

" NEVER, let your guard down! " I yelled as I hit him, but he quickly put his bat up a blocked some of the impact.  I DID manage to get his right shoulder a bit causing him to faintly, let out a grunt. But......... When he decided to push me back I flew a good 2 or 3 feet back, since he DOES do this a LOT. He's fairly strong and good at it, too.

" Go Mira! " I hear Olette call waving one hand above her head waving it, and using the other to cup her mouth. As she jumped up and down cheering, with Hayner and Roxas.

" Kick his but! " Hayner yelled whirling his fist in the air while cupping his mouth like Olette.

" You can do it! " Roxas called, but not as loud he never was the loud type. But all the cheering caused me to look at them, distracting me at the same time.

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