Chapter 2:Its a no!

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Austin's P.O.V

At the end of the day I went to Miley and asked her "what did YN say?" I trust Miley more than Alex Robert And Zach. I looked at Miley for an answer. Miley was quiet without a smile and her head down.

"What's wrong? What did YN say? She said she likes me, right?" I ask Miley excited for an answer.

Miley shook her head and said " no, Austin, she said she doesn't like you in that way. That's why she has been ignoring you today."

It hurt me. Then I just walked away from Miley and other friends that came in between.

Miley P.O.V
"Austin" I called.

He yelled back " leave me alone. I want to be alone for a while!" I let him go.

Oh Austin, you are so naive. You trust me so much that you didn't notice that I never asked YN if she likes you because I am the girl you should be with, not that YN. I crossed my arms and made a ew face when I said YN.

I won't let this opportunity slip out of my hand. Now my next plan is to remove YN from Austin's life forever! But I need to plan first.

"I feel really bad for ignoring Austin today"I told myself. "I know what I should do now. I am going to say sorry to Austin tomorrow."

I put on my pajamas that my mom brought from NY and layed down into my warm bed. I wasn't able to sleep still feeling guilty of how I ignored Austin. I regret it! "Why in the world would I do to him even though I love him." I yelled at myself.

I am so stupid!

Austin's P.O.V
"I knew she wouldn't like me." I told myself. That's what why she ignored me today! I don't know what to do!Yes that's a good idea" I said as the idea came in my mind.

I don't want to that but I have to. I will do the same as her, ignore her! Tears started coming from my eyes while thinking about ignoring YN.

There's more drama coming up so keep reading! Thank you everyone for reading my story and trust me it gets way better!!!

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